Centre d'études et de recherches internationales de l'Université de Montréal
The Centre d'études et de recherches internationales de l'Université de Montréal, also known as CÉRIUM, is a center for research in international relations and which is affiliated with Université de Montréal
CÉRIUM is a multidisciplinary team of high level researchers specialized in the study of international issues. This team includes individual researchers as well as research units (centres, chairs and affiliated institutes).
The research work performed by CÉRIUM is addressed to academics and to all who are interested in the evolution of contemporary international relations. It is disseminated through scientific publications, online publications, conferences and seminars.
To widen the base of its research activities, CÉRIUM will establish partnerships with institutions at the Université de Montréal or elsewhere, for occasional events or for shared efforts.
The CÉRIUM research activities are financed through internal funds and funds from external granting organizations.
In collaboration with the faculties involved in international studies, CÉRIUM intends to encourage specialized training of high-level researchers and respond to the increasing needs for personnel qualified in international studies.
To this end, CÉRIUM will encourage the creation of research teams that bring together, around a principal researcher, junior researchers, postdoctoral fellows, and postgraduate students.
It will also participate, as needed, in the development of training programs in various fields of international studies.
CÉRIUM disseminates its knowledge and findings to civil society, business, government agencies, international institutions, etc. in order to clarify public debates and policy positions on issues of an international nature. Through conferences and seminars, it encourages exchanges between academics, decision-makers, and practitioners.
Université de Montréal
The Université de Montréal is a public francophone research university in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. It comprises thirteen faculties, more than sixty departments and two affiliated schools: the École Polytechnique and HEC Montréal...
CÉRIUM, an international studies centre, has the mission to encourage greater understanding of international issues. This mission is accomplished through research, training and dissemination activities.Research
CÉRIUM is a multidisciplinary team of high level researchers specialized in the study of international issues. This team includes individual researchers as well as research units (centres, chairs and affiliated institutes).
The research work performed by CÉRIUM is addressed to academics and to all who are interested in the evolution of contemporary international relations. It is disseminated through scientific publications, online publications, conferences and seminars.
To widen the base of its research activities, CÉRIUM will establish partnerships with institutions at the Université de Montréal or elsewhere, for occasional events or for shared efforts.
The CÉRIUM research activities are financed through internal funds and funds from external granting organizations.
In collaboration with the faculties involved in international studies, CÉRIUM intends to encourage specialized training of high-level researchers and respond to the increasing needs for personnel qualified in international studies.
To this end, CÉRIUM will encourage the creation of research teams that bring together, around a principal researcher, junior researchers, postdoctoral fellows, and postgraduate students.
It will also participate, as needed, in the development of training programs in various fields of international studies.
CÉRIUM disseminates its knowledge and findings to civil society, business, government agencies, international institutions, etc. in order to clarify public debates and policy positions on issues of an international nature. Through conferences and seminars, it encourages exchanges between academics, decision-makers, and practitioners.
- Jean-François LiséeJean-François LiséeJean-François Lisée is a Québécois political analyst, journalist, author, intellectual and well-known sovereigntist thinker. He has been special advisor to Parti Québécois Premiers of Quebec Jacques Parizeau and Lucien Bouchard. He is presently Executive Director of the Centre d'études et de...
(chief executive officer) - Karim Benyekhlef (director of scientific affairs)
Research Units
- CCEAE - Centre canadien d'études allemandes et européennes (Canadian Centre for German and European Studies)
- CETASE - Centre d'études de l'Asie de l'Est (Centre for East Asian Studies)
- CEPSI - Centre d’études sur la paix et la sécurité internationale(Centre for International Peace and Security Studies)
- CEUE/EUCE - Centre d’excellence sur l’union européenne (European Union Center of Excellence)
- CEDRIE - Centre de développement de la recherche internationale en environnement (Centre for the development of international research on the environment)
- CPDS - Centre de recherche sur les politiques et le développement social (Research Centre on Policies and Social Development)
- CICC - Centre international de criminologie comparée(International Centre for Comparative Criminology)
- CÉPÉA Chaire d'études politiques et économiques américaines (Chair in American Political and Economic Studies)
- CEMC - Chaire d'études du Mexique contemporaine(Chair in Contemporary Mexican Studies)
- CEFC - Chaire d'études de la France contemporaine(Chair in Contemporary French Studies)
- CCCG - Chaire de recherche du Canada en citoyenneté et gouvernance(Canada Research Chair on citizenship and governance)
- Chaire de recherche du Canada sur les identités juridiques et culturelles nord-américaines et comparées(Canada Research Chair in North American and Comparative Legal and Cultural Identities)
- CMEA - Chaire de la fondation J.W. McConnell en études américaines (J.W. McConnell Foundation Chair in American Studies)
- CJM - Chaire Jean Monnet en intégration européenne(Jean Monnet Chair in European integration)
- GRIMH - Groupe de recherche sur les interventions militaires et humanitaires (Research Group on Military and Humanitarian Interventions)
- GRIMS - Groupe de recherche sur les institutions et les mouvements sociaux(Research Group on Social Movements and Institutions)
- OCCAH - Observatoire Canadien sur les Crises et l’Action Humanitaire(Canadian Observatory on Crisis and Humanitarian Action]
- PRIAS - Pôle de recherche sur l’Inde et l’Asie du Sud(Research Pole on India and South Asia)
- RÉAL - Réseau d’études sur l’Amérique latine(Research Network on Latin America)
- REDTAC - Réseau d’études des dynamiques transnationales et de l’action collective (Network on Transnational Dynamics and Collective Action)
- REI - Réseau Économie Internationale(International Economy Network)
- RF - Réseau Francophonie(Francophonie Network)
- ROP - Réseau francophone de recherche sur les opérations de paix (Francophone Research Network on Peace Operations)