CSI: NY (video game)
CSI: NY – The Game is a video game based on the CSI: NY
CSI: NY is an American police procedural television series that premiered on September 22, 2004, on CBS. The show follows the investigations of a team of NYPD forensic scientists and police officers as they unveil the circumstances behind mysterious and unusual deaths as well as other crimes...

television series. This is the sixth CSI game
CSI (video games)
The CSI franchise has been the basis of a number of video games. A total of eight games based upon the Las Vegas team have been created. Two games based around the spin-off series CSI: Miami and one for the CSI: NY series have also been created. 369 Interactive developed the CSI games until 2004,...

 released, and the first for CSI: NY.

As with the previous CSI games, there are five cases to work on. However, the game has taken a drastic graphical change, opting for a stylised 2D cartoon look, instead of the rendered 3D graphics of previous games in the CSI franchise. The game will allow you to control a CSI (Mac or Stella) and solve cases, collect evidence and solve puzzles. You will also be able to interrogate suspects with branching dialogue options, and depending on your tone or line of questioning you may find the suspects refuse to co-operate, or tell you everything you need to know.

This is Legacy Interactive's
Legacy Interactive
Legacy Interactive is a video game developer and media company based in Los Angeles, California. Founded in 1998 by Ariella Lehrer, Legacy initially developed medical simulations such as Emergency Room and Pet Pals: Animal Doctor. Since 2004 Legacy has focused almost entirely on creating casual...

 first CSI game. They previously created the Law and Order videogames.

As of April 2009, UBISOFT released the final case ("Derailed"). This case requires game patch 1.01 (it can be installed if the PC has an active internet connection). Mac Taylor becomes the prime suspect on the case when his DNA is discovered all over the body of a dead man.

Case 1 - Downward Spiral

A man has fallen from the top of a building - was it homicide or was it suicide? Suspects include his boss, a tattoo parlour girl, and a doctor who gave him surgery. You work with Mac on this case.

Case 2 - Just Desserts

An infamous food critic is found dead in a restaurant. Suspects include the general manager who had an affair with the victim, a chef who was criticised for a bad review from the victim, and another chef who made him meet with a mobster. You work with Stella on this case.

Case 3 - Off The Mark

One woman is found dead in a theater used for magic and another at a construction site. Suspects include the two acts that were performing, a construction worker, and an amusement park worker. Is this the work of a serial killer? You work with Danny on this case.

Case 4 - Hillridge Confidential

A young girl was killed during her live session on the Internet. The killer wanted to stop the threats going around the school and stop her from telling the killer's secret. Suspects include the doorman, a brother and sister, and the headmaster. You work with Lindsay on this case.

Case 5 - Derailed

Mac works on a frozen body recovered in a metro station. Unfortunately for him, the clues point to him as a suspect, as the victim was a rapist Mac couldn't throw in jail many years ago. Suspects include a mother who wanted Mac to stay away from her daughter, the daughter whom the victim attacked, and a homeless man who lives in the subway. You work with Mac on this case.

External links

  • Official website
  • CSI: NY – The Game at the Internet Movie Database
    Internet Movie Database
    Internet Movie Database is an online database of information related to movies, television shows, actors, production crew personnel, video games and fictional characters featured in visual entertainment media. It is one of the most popular online entertainment destinations, with over 100 million...

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