Bob the Builder: The Album
Bob the Builder: The Album is the debut album of Bob the Builder
Bob the Builder
Bob the Builder is a British children's animated television show created by Keith Chapman. In the original series Bob appears as a building contractor specialising in masonry in a stop motion animated programme with his colleague Wendy, various neighbours and friends, and their gang of...

, the fictional character from the BBC children's television series of the same name. Bob is voiced by actor Neil Morrissey
Neil Morrissey
Neil Anthony Morrissey is an English actor, media personality and businessman. He is best known for his role as Tony in Men Behaving Badly....


It features the two UK number one singles
UK Singles Chart
The UK Singles Chart is compiled by The Official Charts Company on behalf of the British record-industry. The full chart contains the top selling 200 singles in the United Kingdom based upon combined record sales and download numbers, though some media outlets only list the Top 40 or the Top 75 ...

 "Can We Fix It?
Can We Fix It?
"Can We Fix It?" is the name of the theme song, written by Paul K. Joyce, from the children's television programme Bob the Builder, produced by Hot Animation. The title is derived from the main character's catchphrase, a query towards the rest of the cast when presented with a challenge...

" and "Mambo No. 5
Mambo No. 5
"Mambo No. 5" is a mambo and jive dance song originally recorded and composed by Pérez Prado in 1949.The song's popularity was renewed by Lou Bega's sampling of the original, released under the same name on Bega's 1999 debut album A Little Bit of Mambo....


Track listing

  1. "Can We Fix It?
    Can We Fix It?
    "Can We Fix It?" is the name of the theme song, written by Paul K. Joyce, from the children's television programme Bob the Builder, produced by Hot Animation. The title is derived from the main character's catchphrase, a query towards the rest of the cast when presented with a challenge...

  2. "Mambo No. 5
    Mambo No. 5
    "Mambo No. 5" is a mambo and jive dance song originally recorded and composed by Pérez Prado in 1949.The song's popularity was renewed by Lou Bega's sampling of the original, released under the same name on Bega's 1999 debut album A Little Bit of Mambo....

  3. "Bob's Line Dance"
  4. "Right Tool For The Job"
  5. "Let's Get Busy"
  6. "What Can I Be (Spud's Song)"
  7. "Blonde Haired Gal In A Hard Hat (Wendy's Song)"
  8. "Dizzy"
  9. "Super Spud"
  10. "No One Can Dig It Like We Do"
  11. "No Prob Bob"
  12. "Crocodile Rock" - Bob the Builder & Elton John
    Elton John
    Sir Elton Hercules John, CBE, Hon DMus is an English rock singer-songwriter, composer, pianist and occasional actor...

External links

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