The Blâme is a small river
A stream is a body of water with a current, confined within a bed and stream banks. Depending on its locale or certain characteristics, a stream may be referred to as a branch, brook, beck, burn, creek, "crick", gill , kill, lick, rill, river, syke, bayou, rivulet, streamage, wash, run or...

 in the region
Régions of France
France is divided into 27 administrative regions , 22 of which are in Metropolitan France, and five of which are overseas. Corsica is a territorial collectivity , but is considered a region in mainstream usage, and is even shown as such on the INSEE website...

 of Aquitaine
Aquitaine , archaic Guyenne/Guienne , is one of the 27 regions of France, in the south-western part of metropolitan France, along the Atlantic Ocean and the Pyrenees mountain range on the border with Spain. It comprises the 5 departments of Dordogne, :Lot et Garonne, :Pyrénées-Atlantiques, Landes...

 in France
The French Republic , The French Republic , The French Republic , (commonly known as France , is a unitary semi-presidential republic in Western Europe with several overseas territories and islands located on other continents and in the Indian, Pacific, and Atlantic oceans. Metropolitan France...

. It flows for 6.1 kilometres (3.8 mi) through Aquitaine's department of Dordogne.


The Blâme is a tributary
A tributary or affluent is a stream or river that flows into a main stem river or a lake. A tributary does not flow directly into a sea or ocean...

 of the Auvézère
The Auvézère is a small river in the Dordogne department of France. It is a tributary of the Isle River, which is itself a tributary of the Dordogne River.-Geography:...

 river. It empties into the Auvézère slightly east of the commune
Communes of France
The commune is the lowest level of administrative division in the French Republic. French communes are roughly equivalent to incorporated municipalities or villages in the United States or Gemeinden in Germany...

 of La Boissière-d'Ans
La Boissière-d'Ans
La Boissière-d'Ans is a commune in the Dordogne department in southwestern France.-Population:-External links:* * *...

 at a small waterfall area called La Forge d'Ans.

The Blâme has one tributary of its own, the small Soue
The Soue is a small river in the Dordogne department of France. It is a tributary of the Blâme and part of the Dordogne River basin....

 river (also called Lassoue). The two rivers join at the village of Brouchaud
Brouchaud is a commune in the Dordogne department in southwestern France.-Geography:The small rivers Soue and Blâme join near Brouchaud and provide an artesian water source for the inhabitants.-Population:-External links:...

, providing an artesian water source for the local area.

External links

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