Bitot's spots
Bitot's spots are the buildup of keratin
Keratin refers to a family of fibrous structural proteins. Keratin is the key of structural material making up the outer layer of human skin. It is also the key structural component of hair and nails...

 debris located superficially in the conjunctiva
The conjunctiva covers the sclera and lines the inside of the eyelids. It is composed of rare stratified columnar epithelium.-Function:...

, which are oval, triangular or irregular in shape. These spots are a sign of vitamin A
Vitamin A
Vitamin A is a vitamin that is needed by the retina of the eye in the form of a specific metabolite, the light-absorbing molecule retinal, that is necessary for both low-light and color vision...

 deficiency and are associated with conjunctival xerosis
Xerosis cutis is the medical term for dry skin.It can have many different causes, including general dehydration, atopic dermatitis, Vitamin A deficiency, and maybe diabetes. Treatment is primarily symptomatic. "Xero", meaning dry or dehydrated, "osis" usually referring to a medical disease or...

. In 1863 Bitot, a French physician, first described these spots.

In ancient Egypt
Ancient Egypt
Ancient Egypt was an ancient civilization of Northeastern Africa, concentrated along the lower reaches of the Nile River in what is now the modern country of Egypt. Egyptian civilization coalesced around 3150 BC with the political unification of Upper and Lower Egypt under the first pharaoh...

, this was treated with animal liver.

External links

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