América, Esta Es Tu Canción
América, Esta es tu canción ("America,this is your song") is a recopilation of songs from contest show of the same name, guided by Raúl Velasco
Raúl Velasco
Raúl Velasco was born in Celaya, Guanajuato, Mexico. For 30 years, he was the Mexican host/producer of the TV show Siempre en Domingo which is his hallmark contribution to the Latin American world and eventually to other parts of the world where Spanish entertainment programs are broadcast.Raúl...

.First edition was released on 1982.

Track listing

  1. América, Ésta Es Tu Canción by Lucerito
  2. Canarinho Dobrador
  3. En Una Nube
  4. La Gata Coqueta
  5. La Pulga
  6. Queremos Crecer Y Vivir
  7. La Gallina Tutu
  8. Quisiera Ser
  9. A Manejar
  10. Mi Casita Interiorana
  11. El Abuelito
  12. A Dónde Van Los Niños
  13. Puerto Rico
  14. En Mi Mundo De Juguete
  15. Vuelve Papá
  16. La Patineta y Papá
  17. Popurrí Mexicano
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