Ain't No Sunshine (Haven)
"Ain't No Sunshine" is the eighth episode of the first season of the supernatural
The supernatural or is that which is not subject to the laws of nature, or more figuratively, that which is said to exist above and beyond nature...

 American/Canadian television series Haven
Haven (TV series)
Haven is a supernatural drama television series loosely based on the Stephen King novel The Colorado Kid. The show, filmed on the South Shore of Nova Scotia, Canada, is an American/Canadian co-production. The one-hour drama premiered on July 9, 2010, on Syfy...

. It first aired on SyFy
Syfy , formerly known as the Sci-Fi Channel and SCI FI, is an American cable television channel featuring science fiction, supernatural, fantasy, reality, paranormal, wrestling, and horror programming. Launched on September 24, 1992, it is part of the entertainment conglomerate NBCUniversal, a...

 on August 27, 2010. It was written by Sam Ernst and directed by Ken Girotti.


A series of unexplained deaths occur in Haven and it all appears it's the work of “The Dark Man”.


This episode earned a Nielsen household rating of 1.2/2. It was viewed by 1.973 million viewers.
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