ASTA: The War of Tears and Winds
ASTA: The War of Tears and Winds, known also as Project E:ST: The Fantasy of Asia is an upcoming MMORPG created by Polygon Games under the operation of NHN Corporation of South Korea
South Korea
The Republic of Korea , , is a sovereign state in East Asia, located on the southern portion of the Korean Peninsula. It is neighbored by the People's Republic of China to the west, Japan to the east, North Korea to the north, and the East China Sea and Republic of China to the south...

. This game will be using CryEngine 3 from Crytek
Crytek is a German video game company founded in 1999 by three Turkish brothers: Cevat, Avni and Faruk Yerli. Crytek's main headquarters are in Frankfurt, Germany, with five other studios in Kiev, Budapest, Nottingham, Sofia and Seoul. The company is best known for developing the game Far Cry and...

to develop it.


The secret behind the Gate of God hidden by the Cheonjingwan, and the force of this secret, crucial for fighting against the Army of the Eight Gods.

Once upon a time, there existed a world different from the one we know. That mystical world was divided into Asu, the land of life and Hwangcheon, the land of death. Human begins lived among the other tribes of these lands. This world was a peaceful home for all until one day a certain sword was discovered that prophesied the end of the world. The future story of the end of the world was written in detail on this sword, which became known as the "Sword of Prophecy." Also who had been living a life of discipline, Yukjin secretly summoned the "Robes," a group of wise men, to decipher the writing on the Sword of Prophecy. With their help, Yukjin began to slove the mystery of the writing, which enlightened him to workings of the world.

As the Sword of Prophecy's secrets were unleashed. Yukjin and the Robes acquired greater abilities to predict the near future. These abilities led them to realize that they needed to reach Nirvana in order to save the world from unknown dangers. Hence the organized the wise men of the world. They called this organization "Cheonjinwan." Meanwhile, another unknown world the heaven exists. It was conpletely hidden behind a veli. The atrocious pas of suffering and war was the direct result of changes in this realm of gods, but this face was known only by the Trinity-Taemiwon, Jamiwon, and Cheonsiwin-gods who had existed from the beginning of time and who ruled the Heavens.

But, the discord that gradually arose in the world began to influence the realm of the gods, over which the Trinity ruled. The Gods of the Heavens predicted that when Arita-a god previously banished from the Heavens to Asu-reached Nirvana, it would lead to war among the gods. In order to prevent this from happening, they sent the army of the Eight Gods to invade Asu. The mission of the Army of the Eight Gods was to find Arita, who was predicted to cause war among the gods and save the land of Asu, and to prevent her from reaching Nirvana. The Gods of the Heavens knew that if Arita reached Nirvana, it would mark the beginning of the conflict between the world and the realm of gods which would then cause war among the gods.

Cheonjigwan prepared for was as prophesied by the Sword, and was able to fend of the invasion of the Army of the Eight Gods. Nevertheless, the lands of Asu and Hwangcheon were already being devastated. Meanwhile, Cheonjigwan found Artia, the chosen one who would save Asu in the future, and she successfully entered Nirvana. Thus, the seeds for war among thr gods were sown. After Cheonjigwan stopped the invasion of Asu, the Army of Eight Gods manipulated the rulers of Asu, who forced the Robes of Cheonjigwan to retreat underground. In hiding they began their search for warriors to fight in next war to come.

The devastrated world reeked of blood, and the people became more and more agitated as the signs of the war became evermore apparent. The rulers of the world tried to control the people through surveillance and restrictions, but they only created more distrust. Meanwhile, the legend of Arita spread through the lands of Asu and Hwangcheon. Many followed the path of ascetic discipline to protect themselves and to understand the secrets of the "Nirvana Sutra," which had led the legendary Arita to Nirvana. One by one, the number of Nirvana Warriors increased.

They were about to pass Asta, the gods gate, and step into the Heavens to join in the war of the gods. In the meantime, Arita learned all of the secrets that she had lost from her memories. In fury, she awakenea the Four Heavenly Creatruesand the God of Nature to begin the war among the gods with the Nirvana Warriors.

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