.net.sg is a country code second-level domain
Country code second-level domain
A country code second-level domain is a second-level domain to a country code top-level domain. A ccSLD may be reserved by the domain name registry for the registration of third-level domains or assigned to a third party as a subdomain....

 (ccSLD) in the .sg
.sg is the Internet country code top-level domain for Singapore. It is administered by the Singapore Network Information Centre. Registrations are processed via accredited registrars....

 namespace, administered by the Singapore Network Information Centre
Singapore Network Information Centre
Singapore Network Information Centre is the National Internet Registry for Singapore. It manages the .sg top level domain.Formed in October 1995, the SGNIC took over the operation of Domain Name Registration Services in November 1995...

. It is available only to network providers and info-com operators licensed by the Info-Communications Development Authority (IDA).
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