Parker Lewis Can't Lose is an early 1990s television comedy series that was strongly influenced by the film,
Ferris Bueller's Day Off.
Catch phrases
PLCL established several catch phrases:
- "Coolness, Park."
- "...Gentlemen, we have achieved coolness!..."
- "Synchronize Swatches!" (In one episode, Parker's father reunites with his high school buddies at a class reunion, and they "synchronize Bulovas.")
- "Not a problem."
- "Eat now?"
- "It's a power thing..."
- "Mental note ..."
- "But, in a bad way." (E.g., when Kube states "I'm so hungry I could eat a horse! But, in a bad way.")
- "Gentelmen, it's operation ..." (E.g. it's operation "low-fat Larry", it changes with each episode")
- "Eeeeeck!!" (said by Jerry every time he meets Ms.Musso or Larry Kubiac, in one episode he sentence "I hate when I do that")
- "My brother is a dead man!" (Ashley)