Does anyone know if Alan Ware is still with Barnum and Bailey Circus? How old is he?
replied to: spollack2
Replied to: Does anyone know if Alan Ware is still with Barnum and...
No, I am no longer with Ringling Bros. I left at the end of 2008. I now live in Florida.
I toured Ringing from 1996 - 2008, when I was in my thirties.
replied to: circusgypsy
Replied to: No, I am no longer with Ringling Bros. I left at...
Granpa, you inspired me, my daughter used to take me to the circus for my birthday present. I met you, have several pics with you. then I went to clown college. when I graduated I came back to see you at Ringlings when the came to Cincinnati, Oh in 2007, you were not there. oh how I wanted to show you my pictures. I truly have missed seeing you. thank you so much, Denise, aka Sassie