NO! This is not the title to a new country song but it's the words of many disgruntled Countrylink employees.
Sally from Dubbo tells me "Countrylink Management have come down hard on staff toasting bread on the trains".
"It's just plain mean of them", "the bread is condemned as soon as we arrive in Sydney and thrown away".
Investigation reveals that this is part of a programme to stamp out fraud and corruption within Countrylink. This whole programme came about because a senior Manager used his corporate credit card to purchase goods and services not related to Government employment but for his own and sole use.
Fraud and Corruption take many forms and it is ever evolving. As soon as a law is passed to fight fraud and corruption, those
who are fraudulent and corrupt go to work and find better ways to get around these laws and become more stealthy in order to
continue to practice their craft.
In the greater majority of cases major fraud and corruption is carried out by people in senior and trusted positions and not the rank and file worker. In corporations all over the world, not just Countrylink fraud and corruption go hand in hand in the day to day running of business. The reason this is happening is because very few people in management have strong morals, virtue or honour. They lack common decency and the ability to distinguish between right and wrong.
This web site is committed to shed the light on these people, their followers and the activities they are involved in.
This whole issue of staff taking a slice of bread or two could of been handled in a more appropriate manner. Drivers get toast, why not on board employees.
Management are really saying "We don't trust you" and "We want the Passenger Services Supervisors to report you if they find you taking bread". It is hoped that Countrylink management when next they put that expensive lunch on the corporate credit card that they will think of their hungry staff.
This country started with a bunch of convicts deported from England for pinching bread. Don't get caught, management may send you back.