...on the night of August 8th 2009 I had a dream in which the name Gary Sweet came to me as I was walking up a street towards a pub - I sensed it was Sydney, Newtown or similar type of suburb...
...the actor I did see in this dream was Tony Martin in the dream briefly...
...the dream had such an impact that I was thinking about it sporadically thoughtout the day - wondering why the name was so strong aurally in the aforementioned dream...
...that is, even though I am aware of the actor I can't recall the last time I viewed him in anything screen wise etcetera...
...out of the blue so to speak...so perculiar that
it compounded me to type his name on the net and consequently end up at this very site explaining the such...
...as much as I dream...it's not the normal thing to go to the extent of explaining it over the net or joining a site to do so...
...by now you the reader understandably would be thinking that I was loony tunes...fair enough...as this is not the norm for me also...
...I hope it is a good omen for Gary Sweet and nothing other...
...after reading the above myself I thought if I came across this very discussion so to speak - I would be thinking 'what dribble and irrelevance'...
...however...this very piece is the affect the dream had on me...
Yours However