HMS Jupiter (F60)
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In 1974 when the Jupiter was limping back to Pearl Harbor, no mention was given to the American ship that gave her fresh water when she couldn't make her own, or food and fuel when she was running low. I remember being on the USS Mauna Kea AE-22 and teletyping messages back and forth to a young comm. officer while we replenished his ship and the bonny Prince came out on his deck to wave to us. We were piped off as we turned to make our way across the ocean to resume our cruise to Subic Bay. It was quite a stirring ceremony. The HMS Jupiter official record mentions the propulsion problems that forced her back to Pearl during that cruise and nothing else. My question would be: Is it possible to ask Prince Charles if he remembers that time as vividly as the members of the USS Mauna Kea AE-22? Thank You