The Source (magazine)
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I have an idea for a book. I am unemployed and want to kniow if you will lend me the help that I need. I do not have a pc so I have to go to the library to write. I recently left my marriage and am living with relatives that can not support me. I need paper and pens. I would also like help with my invention. I plan to be the fastest person to reach billonaire status. Yes the idea is that good.
The title of the book
(The Future Of America
Blacks Not Included)
The other title for another book is (79 Days-A True Path To World Peace)

I also want to tell my idea for a film to Mr. Spike Lee. I just need help. So I ask you for pens and paper, and a three ring binder to send the finished chapters to you via mail.
If you will help me then please send the things to me at the adress below.
Alexander Coleman
PO Box 1964
Clewiston, FL 33440