All the Old and new Yugoslavia Dinars currencies including the high denominated banknotes or currencies are official legal tenders and will remain valid for use and exchange upto year 2025 according to Yugoslavia Government currency reform dated 01/21/2008 and wikipedia encyclopedia resources.
The exchange rate and value is 1 Old Dinar (any year) = 1 Novi Dinar = $ 1.89 USD.The banknotes are denominated from 1 Dinar upto 500 Billion Dinars and hold legal value.Valid form of cash payment for credit ,goods and services ,obsolete, tradeable and redeemable for cash in any foreign currency at all banks globally and acceptable worldwide alike credit cards.
Higher the denomination of the currency,higher the market exchange cash value , more buying power and big business transaction can be carried out with an single high i.e. above 1000000 denominated currency or big banknote .
replied to: harshad910
Replied to: All the Old and new Yugoslavia Dinars currencies including the high...
The Govt. and banks of Yugoslavia or Serbia have remoneterized upto 500 Billion denominated currency notes,equal in value as of new ones and in circulation.
replied to: harshad910
Replied to: All the Old and new Yugoslavia Dinars currencies including the high...
The Govt. and banks of Yugoslavia or Serbia have remoneterized upto 500 Billion denominated dinara currency notes,equal in value as of new ones and in circulation.
replied to: harshad910
Replied to: The Govt. and banks of Yugoslavia or Serbia have remoneterized upto...
I know you wrote your answer in 11/09, but I have a question: How can you or who can you contact to remonitize? Also, you indicate it can be exchange for gold, how??? Let me know. Thanks.
replied to: harshad910
Replied to: All the Old and new Yugoslavia Dinars currencies including the high...
2012 IMF's and Foreign exchange houses ROE US $ 1.99 + Foreign taxes /per 1 Y Dinara.
replied to: Nadia26
Replied to: I know you wrote your answer in 11/09, but I have...
It's a Govt remonetization program for Y dinara's acceptable and global cash to the world ,being well recognized and world acclaimed accepted for any trade money worldwide.You can rubber stamp the word "Remonetized" meaning " reinstated money for public use as legal tenders " , upon the Y Dinara money notes for it's legalization and acceptance in case of any non-acceptance ,non-exchange , Discrimination - strict punishable by law , argument or lapse of time for bank exchange within a limited time-frame with the bank to new money at a lawfull 1:1 ratio value of any countries including former republics or countries for old ,obsolete,demonetized,debased , out of trade and circulation banknotes,currencies and coins to spend , exchange anytime ,anywhere at par and face value of the money bill originating from the Goverment's mints without making any changes including any denomination changes ( illegal ) according to U.S. federal and International laws,Geneva conventions for non- discrimination of all foreign countries and their foreign exchange money in accordance with market ROE ( Rate of exchange ) for all 19th century onset money from Govt.'s authorized mints.
replied to: harshad910
Replied to: It's a Govt remonetization program for Y dinara's acceptable and...
Hi Harshad910,
Who is the VIP mentioned in the Letter of Instruction Certificate for the redemption of YUR? He'll be the one that will facilitate the issuance of permit and clearance. How long does the redemption of such takes?
replied to: harshad910
Replied to: It's a Govt remonetization program for Y dinara's acceptable and...
Hello harshad910,
I have read that you have know Yugoslavia Dinar very well.
I have 1 B Yugoslavia Dinar 1993.
Can you advice me if I can exchange it or do Trade.
How much it is worth? Which country ? which Bank?
Thank you very much. DO you have skype?
Best Regards
bsnssworld at
replied to: harshad910
Replied to: It's a Govt remonetization program for Y dinara's acceptable and...
replied to: leedan28
Is there anywhere wrtten serbia will accept the y dinar and whats the validity of 1993 y dinar
replied to: harshad910
Replied to: It's a Govt remonetization program for Y dinara's acceptable and...
Replied To: It's a Govt remonetization program for Y dinara's acceptable and g...
Hello harshad
I have read that you have know Yugoslavia Dinar very well.
I have 1 B Yugoslavia Dinar 1993.
Can you advice me if I can exchange it or do Trade.
How much it is worth? Which country ? which Bank?
Thank you very much. DO you have skype?
Best Regards
Karan gupta