All the Old and new Yugoslavia Dinars currencies including the high denominated banknotes or currencies are official legal tenders and will remain valid for use and exchange upto year 2025 according to Yugoslavia Government currency reform dated 01/21/2008 and wikipedia encyclopedia resources.
The exchange rate and value is 1 Old Dinar (any year) = 1 Novi Dinar = $ 0.71 USD.The banknotes are denominated from 1 Dinar upto 500 Billion Dinars and hold legal value.Valid form of cash payment for credit ,goods and services ,obsolete, tradeable and redeemable for cash in any foreign currency at all banks globally and acceptable worldwide alike credit cards.
Higher the denomination of the currency,higher the market exchange cash value , more buying power and big business transaction can be carried out with an single high i.e. above 100 denominated currency or big banknote .
The exchange rate and value is 1 Old Dinar (any year) = 1 Novi Dinar = $ 0.71 USD.The banknotes are denominated from 1 Dinar upto 500 Billion Dinars and hold legal value.Valid form of cash payment for credit ,goods and services ,obsolete, tradeable and redeemable for cash in any foreign currency at all banks globally and acceptable worldwide alike credit cards.
Higher the denomination of the currency,higher the market exchange cash value , more buying power and big business transaction can be carried out with an single high i.e. above 100 denominated currency or big banknote .