Why united states did not stop the holocaust?
replied to: mariawings
Replied to: Why united states did not stop the holocaust?
Well really they did'nt because well nobody can not answer this question only because you have to find the real people and yeah all that other stuff!
replied to: cookie6230
Replied to: Well really they did'nt because well nobody can not answer this...
We have other answers for other questions and united states is always helping other countries; never have turn their eyes away from people in need. USA is never concerned about religion, race or anything. our children asked what happened. USA is always there. your answer adds up yo nothing.
thank you.
replied to: mariawings
Replied to: Why united states did not stop the holocaust?
It was late in the war when the Allies started hearing about the executions. Perhaps around the second half of 1943. The information coming out was sketchy and not considered reliable enough to act upon. The scale and the enormity were never really known until Allied ground forces began to liberate the camps in 1945.
The question has always been, "What could be done?" Within the inner circle of power some had suggested that the Allied Air Force bomb the railroads feeding the camps. Some considered bombing the camps themselves with the suggestion and approval of highly regarded Jews. At least they would no longer suffer and the camps would have to be rebuilt thus temporarily delaying the shipment of any more victims. The leadership did not have the stomach for this latter option nor did they know the scale of slaughter warranting such action.
But you must understand the sheer number of these camps. The majority of them were not of gas chamber and oven type camps but they were death camps nonetheless. Death from starvation, disease, and hard labor. The Allies were getting very little intelligence of these camps - their purpose, location, conditions. Looking at a map of Europe with a dot for each camp is akin to a red-head with a face full of freckles.
It was decided that whatever progress was being made in the war would be jeopardize if the strategical bombing force was diverted from targeting Nazi resources which enabled it to wage war. A campaign to interdict rail lines going to the camps would divert all Allied strategic air capability. The war would be prolonged. Tracks would be repaired and then bombed again and again. Then what? Start bombing all roads leading to the camps, if they could be located? Then there is likelihood of new camps being built and finding them. This would go on and on ad nauseam.
The leadership did not have the resources in 1943 to put an end to this. So, they decided that the best thing that could be done was to continue with the policy of all out war with Germany. The sooner the war is over the less would suffer. It wasn't until June of 1944 that Allied troops were ashore in Europe. It took nine more months until March of 1945 to get into the interior of Germany where the Holocaust was seen in its enormity.
If this could have been known in 1943 the question is would the Allies prolong the war while it tried to effect a halt or a slowdown of the massacre? Could they have done so with just air power? Would prolonging the war risk more Allied military lives and try the patience of the civilians to end this bloody war? Would not a prolonged war risk the lives of more people in the camps or those yet to be sent there?
-Michael Power
Virginia Beach, Virginia
replied to: mariawings
Replied to: Why united states did not stop the holocaust?
Thank you michael. this information will help my research pertaining world warll.
replied to: mariawings
Replied to: Thank you michael. this information will help my research pertaining world...
Something else to consider: as Michael said, the full comprehension was not realized until the camps were liberated - and most of the camps were liberated by the Soviets. Even then, we understood the nature of Soviet propaganda. Until we witnessed it ourselves in 1945, the rumors from the Soviets were dismissed as extreme exaggeration or outright lies.
That's the problem with habitual liars - you never believe it when they tell the truth...