Eds generator is an energized PMH.to get the energy out,it must be rotated at over 1G to "stretch" the orbit of force outside the metal...convection and heat...the energy wave is what bends light [heat shimmer] not the heat. this energy wave can and is being made easily,and experiments prove anti-gravitational results. leedskalnins generator is just a large PMH and must be charged. i made a smaller model [24 sections like eds ] and the whole ring can be locked with just a few turns of copper wire and dc 9v.the energy wave radiates from ring and can be seen as a heat type wave shimmer .when rotated, the added g force[any over1g] stretches the orbit of force out side the metal.this force can be reflected just like heat. using a parabolic reflector at 90 degrees off axis aimed at center an energy pulse can be felt 12 inches from the rotating mass[PMH]. at poles of spinning mass a gravitational vortex can also be felt.this is the gravity wave. any movement or temperature variant creates gravitational effects....experiment and find out for yourself! there are more effects, try copper or magnets near the rotating mass! these effects are repeatable and measurable.the wave that carries heat away from gravity is separate from heat ! a toroid [or double toroid] with vortices at the poles is an accurate model of this field