Hello All,
Recently, it has come to my attention that after seeing a supposedly 2fabricated" image of a UFO craft portraying a segmented wing design, that this may have or may not have aerodynamical advantages.
More clearly, the imagaes I saw, portray a lift appendix segmented in sections composed of conventional "Vernoulli" sections intermingled with "skeleton" type support structures.Much like tail sections of a Lama or early Bell helicopters. Unfortunately my interest and knowledge are only empirical , thus, my query.
So, if anyone has actually studied, or put to assayment the advantages and disadvantages of a "compound", that is combined design (between conventional wing form combined with a say, free flowing "skeletal" support structure along the same design form, I'd be thorougly interested in hearing from you.
Many thanks,
Recently, it has come to my attention that after seeing a supposedly 2fabricated" image of a UFO craft portraying a segmented wing design, that this may have or may not have aerodynamical advantages.
More clearly, the imagaes I saw, portray a lift appendix segmented in sections composed of conventional "Vernoulli" sections intermingled with "skeleton" type support structures.Much like tail sections of a Lama or early Bell helicopters. Unfortunately my interest and knowledge are only empirical , thus, my query.
So, if anyone has actually studied, or put to assayment the advantages and disadvantages of a "compound", that is combined design (between conventional wing form combined with a say, free flowing "skeletal" support structure along the same design form, I'd be thorougly interested in hearing from you.
Many thanks,