I currently live at Dau Brngy Marbalacat on Luzon in the Phillipines. Today after typhoon Juan passed over just north of here. I spotted what I believe to be a "willie Wag Tail" bird watching itself in the upstairs bedroom window.
It completely met a description comparison for this small bird. Unfortunatly I was unable to photograph it. This sighting supprised me as I understood that Indonesia.New Guinea, Solomons,and New Briton were the only locations outside Australia as the habitat of this wonderful little bird. I would be greatful for any comment or sightings in the Philippines.
It completely met a description comparison for this small bird. Unfortunatly I was unable to photograph it. This sighting supprised me as I understood that Indonesia.New Guinea, Solomons,and New Briton were the only locations outside Australia as the habitat of this wonderful little bird. I would be greatful for any comment or sightings in the Philippines.