Why is "swing" music and dance prohibited?
replied to: blacky11
Replied to: Why is "swing" music and dance prohibited?...
By the Nazi's because U.S. blacks and Jewish musicians colaborated. The ecstasy appearing conflicted with the "seriousness" thought appropriate in the Third Reich.
Likewise the music that came out of the black churches along the Mississippi from Memphis to New Orleans in the Golden Age of R&R was taken out of the schools during integration by conservative school board members who essentially said, "If we have to let them go to school with our children, we won't let them touch our white girls. No more swing dance."
So by '63 couples just faced each other but didn't touch.
Buddy Holly was killed; Little Richard was chased to Australia and Chuck Berry wasn't placd on jukeboxes.
There are no formal steps as in any ecstas. The partner must be as supportive as the dance bar: "You have to push when she pushes and pul when she pulls; it's so simple it'll bring out your dimple."
There is the girl turn and the boy turn initiated by the male; the rest of the time she moves the "bar" that suppports them where her spirit moves her.
Some music inspire the souls to fly free. It died in '59. This writer will help you find it.
replied to: john30
Replied to: By the Nazi's because U.S. blacks and Jewish musicians colaborated....
Hey, i'm doing a project on swing dancing and i have to do a speech. Is there a site or do you know the hrl for that information? Its completely fine if not. But if you could reply to me i'd much appreciate it. Email me because i dont get on here much.
at muzicnut99@comcast.net
Thank you, Jackie