Operation Rimau
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Why did u.s inteligence not in form the australian military jeopardised wh"rimau" was in trouble at least a week before the australians found out about it.why was the operation noit given better support by the commanders of f.e.a.c. and what realy galls me is that all who took part in the operatin were not even given any awards after thr war.they wwere true heroes for gods sake.hugo pace and jeff willersdorf actualy PADDLED 2500miles in an attempt to get home and wwere caught less then 500 miles from safety.that alone should at least warrant a mention in dispatches. what did they get???????.NOTHING.all documents concerning both JAYWICK.and.RIMAU. were classified top secret after the war.WHY???my reasoning is that the powers that be new mistakes had been made and covered them up well its about time something was done for those heroes.i hope we can get a discussion started so we can at least honor the 23 members of rimau.ps RIMAU.means tiger in malay.