I allredy wrote this in the question section, but I guess what I have to say is more like a discussion, so I'll type it in again for good measure! Considering that James Wolfe indicated his indifference to the slaughter of the Jacobites at the Battle of Culloden in his letters, dismissing it as merely an avengement of the Highlanders who supposedly issued a "no quarter" statement regarding their enemies, why do you think Wolfe spared the wounded Highlander that Henry Hawley ordered him to shoot? Was it his forsight about how he could use the ex-Jacobites to fight for him, a conscience tug, or a belief that carrying out an execution was below his rank? Complicated chap, aint he?
I'd love to hear some opinions from the informed public!
God Bless,
I'd love to hear some opinions from the informed public!
God Bless,