Why has the Statue of Fidelity above the Post Office in O'Connell Street got a finger on her lip and a key in her hand??? I'll tell you why...
The Post Office holds the key to very important information which they refuse to give to us regarding a million pound estate - so they remain silent even after the following opinion.
Our Barristers 'Opinion' was as follows...
"As previously advised, the beneficiaries of the residuary Estate would be entitled to make enquiries, with the Executors of the Estate regarding the assets of the deceased and for information regarding any Post Office accounts or bank accounts maintained by the deceased prior to her death. This of course could not occur until such time as the grant of probate has issued in respect of the purported Last Will and Testament of the deceased and the codicil."
The Post Office still refuse this extremely important information.
Pro Bono Lawyer wanted to obtain this information Please.
Can you help! This is about more than money... it's about the right to the truth.
Why has the Statue of Fidelity above the Post Office in O'Connell Street got a finger on her lip and a key in her hand??? I'll tell you why...
The Post Office holds the key to very important information which they refuse to give to us regarding a million pound estate - so they remain silent even after the following opinion.
Our Barristers 'Opinion' was as follows...
"As previously advised, the beneficiaries of the residuary Estate would be entitled to make enquiries, with the Executors of the Estate regarding the assets of the deceased and for information regarding any Post Office accounts or bank accounts maintained by the deceased prior to her death. This of course could not occur until such time as the grant of probate has issued in respect of the purported Last Will and Testament of the deceased and the codicil."
The Post Office still refuse this extremely important information.
Pro Bono Lawyer wanted to obtain this information Please.
Can you help! This is about more than money... it's about the right to the truth.