Whether God and soul has same awareness?
Question: We can say that the awareness in the living beings and the awareness of God are one and the same in quality but since both differ in the intensity of the power, their products are physical world and imaginary world respectively. If you analyze the physical world, it is the inert energy and if you analyze the imaginary world, it is also the same inert energy. Since the potencies of both the inert energies differ to a greater extent, the physical world is clearly materialized and the imaginary world is a very weakly materialized one. Therefore, we say that the physical world and the imaginary world are qualitatively the same inert energy differing in potencies. Hence, their causes i.e. God and soul are also the same awareness with different potencies. Therefore, the soul is qualitatively God since the material in both is awareness only. Therefore, God and soul are qualitatively one though differ in quantitative potencies.
Answer: When you say the awareness of God, is it the same awareness existing in the living beings or some special awareness? It is not the question of difference in potencies of the same qualitative awareness. It is the question of the generation of special awareness of God before the creation of the physical world, when space was not existing. In the absence of space, there cannot be existence of matter and inert energy. In the absence of matter, there cannot be nervous system, digestive system and respiratory system. In the absence of inert energy, there cannot be generation of awareness because the awareness in the living beings is a specific work form of inert energy only. Therefore, the awareness of God must be also qualitatively different from this awareness existing in living beings. If both are qualitatively same, the equipment of generation must be common though the magnitude of capacity of generation differs.
In a small power station electricity with lesser potency is generated. In a big power station electricity with higher potency is generated. In both these cases your concept of small potency and large potency is meaningful. But in the case of the special awareness of God, the equipment is completely absent and there is no power station of even atomic size due to the absence of space before the creation of the physical world. It is said that the first item of the creation of the world is space. Before the creation of the space, there is no trace of possibility of the equipment that generates the awareness. The space itself is the subtle inert energy that was produced for the first time. Before the creation of this space, there was no chance of existence of even a trace of inert energy that can be transformed into awareness. Therefore, the production of awareness and the awareness itself in the case of God are unimaginable.
How can you talk of qualitative similarity between the unimaginable awareness and imaginable awareness? You can talk about the qualitative similarity and quantitative difference in the case of two imaginable items of awareness only. Hence, your argument is disposed in toto without costs.
The confusion in your argument lies in selecting the imaginary world and physical world as two different items to be compared. In fact, the imaginary world and its cause (soul) are a part of the physical world only. When you mention the physical world, it includes the soul and its imaginary world also in it. The cause of the physical world (God) is never touched in your topic because all the dance of your logic is limited to the physical world only. You have not gone out of the physical world and touched its cause (God). This is the basic defect of your misconceived Advaita philosophy.
Question: We can say that the awareness in the living beings and the awareness of God are one and the same in quality but since both differ in the intensity of the power, their products are physical world and imaginary world respectively. If you analyze the physical world, it is the inert energy and if you analyze the imaginary world, it is also the same inert energy. Since the potencies of both the inert energies differ to a greater extent, the physical world is clearly materialized and the imaginary world is a very weakly materialized one. Therefore, we say that the physical world and the imaginary world are qualitatively the same inert energy differing in potencies. Hence, their causes i.e. God and soul are also the same awareness with different potencies. Therefore, the soul is qualitatively God since the material in both is awareness only. Therefore, God and soul are qualitatively one though differ in quantitative potencies.
Answer: When you say the awareness of God, is it the same awareness existing in the living beings or some special awareness? It is not the question of difference in potencies of the same qualitative awareness. It is the question of the generation of special awareness of God before the creation of the physical world, when space was not existing. In the absence of space, there cannot be existence of matter and inert energy. In the absence of matter, there cannot be nervous system, digestive system and respiratory system. In the absence of inert energy, there cannot be generation of awareness because the awareness in the living beings is a specific work form of inert energy only. Therefore, the awareness of God must be also qualitatively different from this awareness existing in living beings. If both are qualitatively same, the equipment of generation must be common though the magnitude of capacity of generation differs.
In a small power station electricity with lesser potency is generated. In a big power station electricity with higher potency is generated. In both these cases your concept of small potency and large potency is meaningful. But in the case of the special awareness of God, the equipment is completely absent and there is no power station of even atomic size due to the absence of space before the creation of the physical world. It is said that the first item of the creation of the world is space. Before the creation of the space, there is no trace of possibility of the equipment that generates the awareness. The space itself is the subtle inert energy that was produced for the first time. Before the creation of this space, there was no chance of existence of even a trace of inert energy that can be transformed into awareness. Therefore, the production of awareness and the awareness itself in the case of God are unimaginable.
How can you talk of qualitative similarity between the unimaginable awareness and imaginable awareness? You can talk about the qualitative similarity and quantitative difference in the case of two imaginable items of awareness only. Hence, your argument is disposed in toto without costs.
The confusion in your argument lies in selecting the imaginary world and physical world as two different items to be compared. In fact, the imaginary world and its cause (soul) are a part of the physical world only. When you mention the physical world, it includes the soul and its imaginary world also in it. The cause of the physical world (God) is never touched in your topic because all the dance of your logic is limited to the physical world only. You have not gone out of the physical world and touched its cause (God). This is the basic defect of your misconceived Advaita philosophy.