Challenge Reverend Al Sharpton By Chi Lites Darren Cubie
Uncovering The Lie About Chi Lites And Son Darren Deniel!
I hear by call of the promise of Reverend Al Sharpton who publicly promises during his radio
I Chi Lites Son Darren Cubie here by Challenge Reverend Al Sharpton By Chi Lites Darren Cubie and The Black Icons Family who are explicated from Icon Legacy Mistreatment.
I the family of Creadel Jones from the Chi Lites would like to here by challenge Reverend Al Sharpton and others to help investigate the Abuse of Chi Lites Creadel Jones pictured here on the right area my father and Co founder of the Chi Lites who died do to Abuse and exploitation from Hollywood and threw Out The Music Industry andField of Entertainment.
I hear by call of the promise of Reverend Al Sharpton who publicly promises during his radio program that he would help end mistreatment to my father and I and my families legacy from my legacy from the Chi Lites.
I Challenged Reverend Al Sharpton to Keep His Word made publicly on his show
Today 04/3/2010 thru 2010
Tags: Al, By, Challenge, Chi, Cubie, Darren, Lites, Reverend, Sharpton, Son
Chi Lites CreadelJones became the municipal symbol of homelessness From Hollywood Mistreatment
By what we are told was a happy partnership of providence, charity and good diplomacy, Glendale has been relieved of a prominent civic blight.
For a week now, the crescent-shaped concrete bench beside the illuminated bronze globe on the City Hall lawn has been unoccupied. As anyone who drives by City Hall from time to time knows, a man had been living on that bench for about two years encircled by a growing stable of shopping carts.
The squatter, whose name is Creadel Jones, Seen her in the center below with
the white hateand bread was relocated, without apparent coercion, through a deli
cate maneuver involving Mayor Larry Zarian and Lt. Kenneth Hodder of the
Salvation Army. When last heard from, Jones was living in an apartment with first
and last months' rent paid in advance
The analogy to the Jones case is illustrated, in a bureaucratically muffled way, by City Manager David H. Ramsay, who commented on the affair: "For a civic center where a great deal of city business is conducted, it wasn't appropriate to have six shopping carts lined up."
It was where Jones lived that made him a greater blight than the dozen or so homeless people who live in equally public squalor on Brand Boulevard where a far greater deal of business is conducted.
By taking up residence right where the city leaders had to confront him every day, Jones became the municipal symbol of homelessness.
Could Creadel Jones have been trying to tell the world I was left Abuse Mistreated and Explicated and Impoverished from Corruption I'm not going away until you hear me?
The only way it seems that Creadel Jones could express his story is by sitting on a California bench in front of city Hall.
Funny how a condition of a mayor image in public is a city can lead to a change from one's self egos preservation and image pretecting.
This Is From Chi LITES sON Darren And Familys Stories Real Oprah's Cover Up!!
Comment by Chi Lites Son Darren Cubie on April 09, 2010 at 4:55am Oprah Winfery Refused To Help are To Respond To Wife Deborah Jones Of Creadel Jones From The Chi Lites After Her Request To End Exploitation To Her Husband The Legendary Creadel Jones From The Chi Lites. Despite Creadel Jones’s Wife Deborah Jones Trip After The Death Of Her Legendary Husband Creadel Jones From The Chi Lites Death Arriving To Exploitation And Abuse From Mistreatment From The Abuse Of He And His Son Darren And Wife Deborah From Brunswick Records And Entertainment Companies
In which Hide Revenues From Over Thirty Years and over 40 different companies From Their And Son Darren And His Family Causing Creadel Jones And Wife Deborah Jones To Die In Poverty, Be Not Able To Afford Attorneys To Stop The Exploitation And Abuse And Mistreatment And Forced Corruption To He And His Family Son Darren.
Oprah Reportedly even used Mistreatment to Son Darren When He Decided after His Mother Wife of the Legendary Co Founder Creadel Jones Died from The Abuse! The Singer's Again Parent Mother Deborah Jones Died From The Poverty Brought On From Corruption To Her And Son Darren And Family Causing Legendary Creadel Jones Wife To Die As Well From The Abuse And
Exploitation, Son Darren Went To Harpo Studios After The Recent Death Of His Mother Wife Of Creadel Jones In order To Tell The Story Of The Mistreatment Abuse Of His Father Chi Lites Singer Creadel Jones And Wife Deborah Jones His Mother. And The Abuse That Preventing Him From Almost Being Able To Take Care Of The Funeral And Death Of His Creadel Jones father's Wife Deborah Jones Darren's mother.
After Talking To Oprah Staff Producers Told Darren That They And As Well As Oprah And Her Staff Were Uninterested About The Abuse Are Corruption And Exploitation of Creadel Jones That Caused His Homeless Condition. Even Death Did Not Interest Oprah Are Her Producer's Staff. Son Darren Of Creadel Singer From The Chi Lites Then Protested The Abuse Corruption To His Mother Deborah Jones And Father Creadel Jones From The Chi Lites.
For More Visit ChiLites.Ning.Com
Are ChiLites.Net.Com
Uncovering The Lie About Chi Lites And Son Darren Deniel!
I hear by call of the promise of Reverend Al Sharpton who publicly promises during his radio
I Chi Lites Son Darren Cubie here by Challenge Reverend Al Sharpton By Chi Lites Darren Cubie and The Black Icons Family who are explicated from Icon Legacy Mistreatment.
I the family of Creadel Jones from the Chi Lites would like to here by challenge Reverend Al Sharpton and others to help investigate the Abuse of Chi Lites Creadel Jones pictured here on the right area my father and Co founder of the Chi Lites who died do to Abuse and exploitation from Hollywood and threw Out The Music Industry andField of Entertainment.
I hear by call of the promise of Reverend Al Sharpton who publicly promises during his radio program that he would help end mistreatment to my father and I and my families legacy from my legacy from the Chi Lites.
I Challenged Reverend Al Sharpton to Keep His Word made publicly on his show
Today 04/3/2010 thru 2010
Tags: Al, By, Challenge, Chi, Cubie, Darren, Lites, Reverend, Sharpton, Son
Chi Lites CreadelJones became the municipal symbol of homelessness From Hollywood Mistreatment
By what we are told was a happy partnership of providence, charity and good diplomacy, Glendale has been relieved of a prominent civic blight.
For a week now, the crescent-shaped concrete bench beside the illuminated bronze globe on the City Hall lawn has been unoccupied. As anyone who drives by City Hall from time to time knows, a man had been living on that bench for about two years encircled by a growing stable of shopping carts.
The squatter, whose name is Creadel Jones, Seen her in the center below with
the white hateand bread was relocated, without apparent coercion, through a deli
cate maneuver involving Mayor Larry Zarian and Lt. Kenneth Hodder of the
Salvation Army. When last heard from, Jones was living in an apartment with first
and last months' rent paid in advance
The analogy to the Jones case is illustrated, in a bureaucratically muffled way, by City Manager David H. Ramsay, who commented on the affair: "For a civic center where a great deal of city business is conducted, it wasn't appropriate to have six shopping carts lined up."
It was where Jones lived that made him a greater blight than the dozen or so homeless people who live in equally public squalor on Brand Boulevard where a far greater deal of business is conducted.
By taking up residence right where the city leaders had to confront him every day, Jones became the municipal symbol of homelessness.
Could Creadel Jones have been trying to tell the world I was left Abuse Mistreated and Explicated and Impoverished from Corruption I'm not going away until you hear me?
The only way it seems that Creadel Jones could express his story is by sitting on a California bench in front of city Hall.
Funny how a condition of a mayor image in public is a city can lead to a change from one's self egos preservation and image pretecting.
This Is From Chi LITES sON Darren And Familys Stories Real Oprah's Cover Up!!
Comment by Chi Lites Son Darren Cubie on April 09, 2010 at 4:55am Oprah Winfery Refused To Help are To Respond To Wife Deborah Jones Of Creadel Jones From The Chi Lites After Her Request To End Exploitation To Her Husband The Legendary Creadel Jones From The Chi Lites. Despite Creadel Jones’s Wife Deborah Jones Trip After The Death Of Her Legendary Husband Creadel Jones From The Chi Lites Death Arriving To Exploitation And Abuse From Mistreatment From The Abuse Of He And His Son Darren And Wife Deborah From Brunswick Records And Entertainment Companies
In which Hide Revenues From Over Thirty Years and over 40 different companies From Their And Son Darren And His Family Causing Creadel Jones And Wife Deborah Jones To Die In Poverty, Be Not Able To Afford Attorneys To Stop The Exploitation And Abuse And Mistreatment And Forced Corruption To He And His Family Son Darren.
Oprah Reportedly even used Mistreatment to Son Darren When He Decided after His Mother Wife of the Legendary Co Founder Creadel Jones Died from The Abuse! The Singer's Again Parent Mother Deborah Jones Died From The Poverty Brought On From Corruption To Her And Son Darren And Family Causing Legendary Creadel Jones Wife To Die As Well From The Abuse And
Exploitation, Son Darren Went To Harpo Studios After The Recent Death Of His Mother Wife Of Creadel Jones In order To Tell The Story Of The Mistreatment Abuse Of His Father Chi Lites Singer Creadel Jones And Wife Deborah Jones His Mother. And The Abuse That Preventing Him From Almost Being Able To Take Care Of The Funeral And Death Of His Creadel Jones father's Wife Deborah Jones Darren's mother.
After Talking To Oprah Staff Producers Told Darren That They And As Well As Oprah And Her Staff Were Uninterested About The Abuse Are Corruption And Exploitation of Creadel Jones That Caused His Homeless Condition. Even Death Did Not Interest Oprah Are Her Producer's Staff. Son Darren Of Creadel Singer From The Chi Lites Then Protested The Abuse Corruption To His Mother Deborah Jones And Father Creadel Jones From The Chi Lites.
For More Visit ChiLites.Ning.Com
Are ChiLites.Net.Com