What were the themes of The Grapes of Wrath?
replied to: galaxaura
Replied to: What were the themes of The Grapes of Wrath?
Some of the key themes of The Grapes of Wrath include unity, as expressed by the importance of family bonds to the Joads. Unity and cooperation are apparent in the migrant workers' determination to help one another.
replied to: galaxaura
Replied to: Some of the key themes of The Grapes of Wrath include...
One of the strongest themes in the book is that of love. The character Casy represents this; he is presented as almost beatifically self-giving.
replied to: edimonk
Replied to: One of the strongest themes in the book is that of...
Perserverance is obviously critical as well, as in the memorable scene in chapter three in which the turtle is run over by a truck, but carefully rights himself and resumes his seemingly neverending journey.