Humane Society of the United States
What legal way to stop a fish market owner
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I live in a very small town where every body well know's every body and know's every body's bissness and the local cop's here well they really do not care what you do as long as it not real bad crime the local dog catcher well he dose not know what he is doing at all and will charge any body with animal crulty if he dose not aprove your way of taking care of the dog and sad thing is some of the animal's are very well cared for some is not.the problem is i live next to a fish market and the owner open's it up when ever he want's to there is no set bissness time that he is open or closed.i have owned and lived here for all most 3 year's and i have had all kind's of problem's from this buissness and the owner first thing was and still is a problem is there is no parking lot or a place for the custmer's so they park in and along the front of my property and block's me from coming and going out of my drive way i have been threatend by his custmer's that was parked in my yard in front of my house and the other weird thing is i try to have pet's here and i have had several healthy puppies come up sick and then they suddenly die i have had some kitten's dissaper also and never seen again and i have had a house dog disaper out of my house and now my husband has dog's that are out side in a pen on our property and no one can get inside the pen unless they go through the house but the fish market owner's are throwing fish part's in the pen to the dog's what can i leagly do stop all the bull crap that is going on here ? i have gone to the cop's and have gone to them they will not do nothing about all of the bull crap what can i do leagly to protect my anmal's property and my self and my right's