What is their weight and height and what do they eat?
replied to: richard11
Replied to: What is their weight and height and what do they eat?...
They eat musherooms and i can't find there hight and wight. i justed started my own acount on this and i love researching banana slugs they are awesome so what are you doing with an acount just doing a little research to.
replied to: richard11
Replied to: What is their weight and height and what do they eat?...
They can actually weigh up to a quarter of a pound in very large individuals. Height and other dimensions vary considerably depending on the position of the slug. If it's fully extended, the height might be an inch or so for a large slug, say 8-9 inches long. Contracted, the height might even double.
They will eat pretty much anything they come across! Mushrooms are definitely a favourite. They like decaying and fresh vegetation and I've seen them eating lichen in the forest too. Animal droppings and carrion are also on the menu.