These are some questions i have about the shang dynasty...
1)what are some of tehre domestications?
2)what is the agriculture?
3)what is the surplus food?
4)whats are their social classes?
5)specilized jobs?
6)complex technologies:art?
7)written language?
8)shared belifes?
9)law codes and central goverment?
10)and what are some of there long ditance trades???
Please I need help despreatly!!!
thanks alot!!!!! \*_\*
1)what are some of tehre domestications?
2)what is the agriculture?
3)what is the surplus food?
4)whats are their social classes?
5)specilized jobs?
6)complex technologies:art?
7)written language?
8)shared belifes?
9)law codes and central goverment?
10)and what are some of there long ditance trades???
Please I need help despreatly!!!
thanks alot!!!!! \*_\*