What is the largest known natural satellite?
replied to: fouey12
Replied to: What is the largest known natural satellite?
Its Jupiter's moon Ganymede,Completing an orbit in roughly seven days.Its diameter is 2% larger than that of Titan,titan the moon of saturn which is the second largest moon(titan is 50% larger than earth's moon,it also has the highest mass of all planetary satellites).
Ganymede has a diameter of 5,268 km (3270 miles), 8% larger than that of the planet Mercury, but has only 45% of the latter's mass.
Ganymede's discovery is credited to Galileo Galilei, who was the first to observe it on January 7, 1610.The satellite's name was soon suggested by astronomer Simon Marius, for the mythological Ganymede, cupbearer of the Greek gods and Zeus's lover.