What is the discussion of the greenhouse effect?
replied to: freaksshark
Replied to: What is the discussion of the greenhouse effect?
There is little affect....so-called "Man-made Greenhouse Gas" is less than one-half of one percent....the earth cools & heats as it has for millions of years......it is a natural occurrence that takes place over the course of the earth's natural evolution.....the Cause Celebre taken up by the Left after the fall of Communist Russia is soley to perpetuate a substitute agenda to further their golas of na Socialist wold without borders or bioundries and to accelerate the destruction of the Free Market & Capitalist system.......what's there to discuss? Gloobal Warming is simply a Hoax......but you can be damn sure, the likes of Al Gore will make a ton of money from it......
replied to: freaksshark
Replied to: What is the discussion of the greenhouse effect?
CO2, water vapour and methane are some of the greenhouse gases present in our atmosphere...they absorb the infared rays from the sun to make our planet warmer. This can be a good thing as it has made possible for life to survive. But human activities like burning hydrocarbonscan be very bad for the environment. The changes have been gradual, most, but not all, scientists agree that the climate is getting gradually warmer.
Global warming could cause:
climate change
extreme weather conditions in some areas
Climate change may make it impossible to grow certain food crops in some regions. Melting polar ice, and the thermal expansion of sea water, could cause rising sea levels and the flooding of low-lying land.
replied to: freaksshark
Replied to: What is the discussion of the greenhouse effect?
Really?thank you
replied to: freaksshark
Replied to: What is the discussion of the greenhouse effect?
replied to: freaksshark
Replied to: Really?thank you
replied to: AaKarki
Replied to: CO2, water vapour and methane are some of the greenhouse gases...
You are a genius your facts are awsome plz post more on diffrint subjects