What is an alliance of independent states that has a very weak central or national government and gives the supreme authority to the states?
replied to: contina
Replied to: What is an alliance of independent states that has a very...
The United States government is a federation. While states have sovereign power, they nevertheless remain bound by federal laws.
replied to: contina
Replied to: What is an alliance of independent states that has a very...
The United States of America before Marbury v. Madison (1809)
replied to: Timmeh
Replied to: The United States government is a federation. While states have...
States have "sovereigh power", but only within their own boundaries. That is what is referred to as "police powers". A State cannot enter into treaties with other nations, for example, but may regulate its own police force, State guard, and levy its own taxes.
replied to: desb120
Replied to: States have "sovereigh power", but only within their own boundaries. That...
Mark Sanford entered into an agreement with an Argentine in Argentina. Does that qualify as a State making a treaty with a foreign Body?
replied to: contina
Replied to: What is an alliance of independent states that has a very...
That is a 'natural' democracy.