I'am asking what is youre opinion what is youre solution to youre Goverment's problem's It dosen't have to be a universaly accepted idea or something that sound's like it came out of a boring book that people not intrested in that topic would read.
So do please come up with creative Idea's on how to solve your'e govermnt's problem/problem's.
------------------------------------------------------------Here is mine please do note this is just my opinion which I wish to share.
The first problem that my nation has is with rampart corruption, The solution to this is simple people demand that the goverment step down and put the role of the goverment in the hand's of the Catholic Church, Because the Priest's are not corrupt like our politician's there is proff to this,
For in my home province a Bishop ran for govenor but had to drop out of the clergy since he can't be govenor and priest at the same time. And once he took power corruption in the province droped massivly.
And to solve the problem of Politician's having private Army's simple tell them that if they don't give up there wepon's they will be declared criminal's and would be taken in by the army if they don't turn in there wepon's.
And men who turn in there wepon's peacfully will be rewarded 500 pesos.
Second is Poverty well the poor would alway's be there there no matter what, But one thing to solve that is by Confiscating the holding's of the 2nd richest family in the nation the Ayala's who are of spanish heritage and thust must have acquired there wealth from exploitation of people going back at least a hundred year's.
Once all there possesion's are confiscated there buissness would be turned into 100% worker managed (I don t know if this is the right term?), Whilst there land would be diveded and given to poor farmer's, Plus the cash would be used to Bring the joy of football to the country by sponsering football centres which would be put in poorer area's of Manila and other major cities.
Secondly a Cultural Crissis.
To fix this, First we need to encourage the use of more Filipino name's because the majority of people have either English, Spanish, Muslim and Chinesse first name's, So we should encourage people not to name there daughter Isabella but instead Girlie, Or instead of Juan why not Tikoy or Pishook.
Also hold a competion among Universities to come up with new and exciting filipino name's for province's that are named in Spanish or English, Of course the new name would corrospond to the dialect of the area, Like I'm tired of hearing mountain province all the time or Aurora.
And slowly change the name From the Philippine's to San Lahi, This dosen't have to Instantanious it can be done slowly by first teaching it to schoolchildren, Then having all new book's and newspaper's change it and any new goverment building put up the name, So by ten year's evreyone will foreget about the old name.
So that is one of my many solution's for my nation.
So do please come up with creative Idea's on how to solve your'e govermnt's problem/problem's.
------------------------------------------------------------Here is mine please do note this is just my opinion which I wish to share.
The first problem that my nation has is with rampart corruption, The solution to this is simple people demand that the goverment step down and put the role of the goverment in the hand's of the Catholic Church, Because the Priest's are not corrupt like our politician's there is proff to this,
For in my home province a Bishop ran for govenor but had to drop out of the clergy since he can't be govenor and priest at the same time. And once he took power corruption in the province droped massivly.
And to solve the problem of Politician's having private Army's simple tell them that if they don't give up there wepon's they will be declared criminal's and would be taken in by the army if they don't turn in there wepon's.
And men who turn in there wepon's peacfully will be rewarded 500 pesos.
Second is Poverty well the poor would alway's be there there no matter what, But one thing to solve that is by Confiscating the holding's of the 2nd richest family in the nation the Ayala's who are of spanish heritage and thust must have acquired there wealth from exploitation of people going back at least a hundred year's.
Once all there possesion's are confiscated there buissness would be turned into 100% worker managed (I don t know if this is the right term?), Whilst there land would be diveded and given to poor farmer's, Plus the cash would be used to Bring the joy of football to the country by sponsering football centres which would be put in poorer area's of Manila and other major cities.
Secondly a Cultural Crissis.
To fix this, First we need to encourage the use of more Filipino name's because the majority of people have either English, Spanish, Muslim and Chinesse first name's, So we should encourage people not to name there daughter Isabella but instead Girlie, Or instead of Juan why not Tikoy or Pishook.
Also hold a competion among Universities to come up with new and exciting filipino name's for province's that are named in Spanish or English, Of course the new name would corrospond to the dialect of the area, Like I'm tired of hearing mountain province all the time or Aurora.
And slowly change the name From the Philippine's to San Lahi, This dosen't have to Instantanious it can be done slowly by first teaching it to schoolchildren, Then having all new book's and newspaper's change it and any new goverment building put up the name, So by ten year's evreyone will foreget about the old name.
So that is one of my many solution's for my nation.