We want your attention!!
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Man is a rational being, something contrary to ethics or morality it was reject by the society. Here is a person who has no morality to extorte money from a man, and he had an illicit association with a number of women.

His name is Wayne Lee, he used to work for Cardinal Health Dublin, OH, and started work at Buckeye Edge last July, His behaviour outraged public opinion and had very bad effects, we warned him, but he did not give up. we eventually ran out of patience with his intolerable behaviour.

we are determined upon writing about our voice, All we hope is that it will have brought him to his senses, hope it will draw the enough attention of all comrades and help Wayne Lee to solve the problem in a reasonable way. Thanks a lot!

The plate number is EBT9349, silvery white Chevrolet,
His address is 3275 Scioto Farms Dr Hilliard, OH

He used works at Cardinal health Dublin, OH and Buckeye Edge.

see website for more details (An open letter to Cardinal health and OSU): google: wayne lee cardinal health,