Isaac Harris and Max Blanck, the owners of Triangle, escaped the fire. Socialist lawyer Morris Hillquit noted how they didn't go down with their workers, "what a tremendous difference between the captains of ships and the captains of industry!" (qtd. in Stein 140).
Harris and Blanck had SEVEN previous fires before the Triangle disaster. Backed by a powerful brokerage firm, not only had they no difficulty maintaining coverage or acquiring new policies, but at the time of the fire they carried the greatest amount of fire insurance (Stein 173).
Leon Stein notes that "the proprietors of the Triangle Shirtwaist Company collected in indemnity $64,925 in excess of any claim for which they could furnish legal or convincing proof of loss...." They "cleared" $445 for each dead Triangle worker (Stein 176). They were indicted on charges of first and second degree manslaughter and acquitted by a jury of all MEN their peers.
Jewish Lightning, is slang for a successful fire usually set by Phosphorus, which burns very fast and Hot,and can't be put out by water,in fact it spreads the fire and leaves no trace. What they do is light a cigarette, then stick it cross way in a book of matches and the cigarette burns down and set the matches on fire and then sets the Phosphorus on fire. In fact match heads are made of Phosphorus.
Back then Phosphorus, was very plentiful for they used that in a Flash holder to take pictures with. Also at that time there was a lot of corruption in the fire insurance business and every other business.
Harris and Blanck had SEVEN previous fires before the Triangle disaster. Backed by a powerful brokerage firm, not only had they no difficulty maintaining coverage or acquiring new policies, but at the time of the fire they carried the greatest amount of fire insurance (Stein 173).
Leon Stein notes that "the proprietors of the Triangle Shirtwaist Company collected in indemnity $64,925 in excess of any claim for which they could furnish legal or convincing proof of loss...." They "cleared" $445 for each dead Triangle worker (Stein 176). They were indicted on charges of first and second degree manslaughter and acquitted by a jury of all MEN their peers.
Jewish Lightning, is slang for a successful fire usually set by Phosphorus, which burns very fast and Hot,and can't be put out by water,in fact it spreads the fire and leaves no trace. What they do is light a cigarette, then stick it cross way in a book of matches and the cigarette burns down and set the matches on fire and then sets the Phosphorus on fire. In fact match heads are made of Phosphorus.
Back then Phosphorus, was very plentiful for they used that in a Flash holder to take pictures with. Also at that time there was a lot of corruption in the fire insurance business and every other business.