I was working at a store in Killeen Texas, right next to Ft Hood and a guy cane into my store followed by some other men. When he attempted to go behind my counter i stoped him and told him it was for employes only. One of the men with him told me he was a Nigerian General and didnt know the customs here. He didnt speak english but the man translated what he was saying. I allowed him behind the counter and gave him the utmost respect that a General shoud have. He shook my hand and gave me a business card and the interpeter told me that he said that if i ever need anything to just let him know. I was impressed by the card even though i couldnt read it.
I lost the card and was just wonderng Was it Muhmammadu Buhari that shook hands with???
Thank you for your time
Chief John Roberts
I lost the card and was just wonderng Was it Muhmammadu Buhari that shook hands with???
Thank you for your time
Chief John Roberts