Dear Rotary International,
We are Rotaractors of from RID 3280. From few years we observed that our Rotaract movement is going to die day by day. We practice Rotaract for our personal, professional development. But from last year all kind of district activities is quiet silent. It seems our beloved movement is sleeping. We don’t know the district officials and they don’t know us. So besides club other joint activities like projects, programs, meetings, regional conference, workshops and other events are not going to organize with other clubs/ district programs.
Last year Our Highest Authority selected a Rotaractor as DRR, by passing the Election. We are observing that this situation will be going to happen this year more violently.
This year our Honorable District Governor of our RID 3280 is going to select a specific Rotaractor ( from his residencial area : Sylhet ) for next year by violating the By laws of our ‘’ ROTARACT DISRTICT BY-LAWS : ‘’ ARTICLE 3, SECTION-3.1’’ (as per our new Directory 2010-11).
It seems our right is not our in hands.
We are requesting you, please DO NOT TAKE OUR RIGHT TO ELECT OUR DISTRICT ROTARACT REPRESENTATIVE FROM US. Only YOU can change the situation for General Rotaractors wellbeing.Because the most powerful Rotarian is too biased and at any cost he will fulfill his wish of Selection.
We want to choose our LEADER by Election, where many candidates will take participation. Because Rotaract teach us how to take responsibility, how to lead. What may be not come from SELECTION. And We get inducted in Rotaract by knowing that it is a democratic organization. no one can violet the BY-LAW'S while taking decision.
please save our District, conference will happen in the middle of next month. but there is no letter/ circular/ information from DISTRICT regarding next year Roraract District Authorities ( DRR &his official for next year).
Thank You.
On behalf of Rotaract Voice,
Rtr Mohsin, Rtr Arif, Rtr Raju, Rtr Rofiq, Rtr Jahid, Rtr Tarek, Rtr Sabuj, Rtr Nayem, Rtr Kamrul, Rtr Robin, Rtr Zamil, Rtr Morsed, Rtr Juned, Rtr summon, Rtr Bappy, Rtr Sagor, Rtr sahid, Rtr Billal, Rtr Rumy. Rtr Robin, Rtr sofiq, Rtr Alamgir, Rtr Islam, Rtr santo, Rtr shamim, Rtr Babul, Rtr Ahmed, Rtr Nahid, Rtr sohag, Rtr Shipon, Rtr Noor, Rtr Khokon, Rtr Asif, Rtr Masud, Rtr Shib, Rtr kawsar, Rtr Iqbal and many.
(Rotaractors from various clubs of RID 3280, Bangladesh).
We are Rotaractors of from RID 3280. From few years we observed that our Rotaract movement is going to die day by day. We practice Rotaract for our personal, professional development. But from last year all kind of district activities is quiet silent. It seems our beloved movement is sleeping. We don’t know the district officials and they don’t know us. So besides club other joint activities like projects, programs, meetings, regional conference, workshops and other events are not going to organize with other clubs/ district programs.
Last year Our Highest Authority selected a Rotaractor as DRR, by passing the Election. We are observing that this situation will be going to happen this year more violently.
This year our Honorable District Governor of our RID 3280 is going to select a specific Rotaractor ( from his residencial area : Sylhet ) for next year by violating the By laws of our ‘’ ROTARACT DISRTICT BY-LAWS : ‘’ ARTICLE 3, SECTION-3.1’’ (as per our new Directory 2010-11).
It seems our right is not our in hands.
We are requesting you, please DO NOT TAKE OUR RIGHT TO ELECT OUR DISTRICT ROTARACT REPRESENTATIVE FROM US. Only YOU can change the situation for General Rotaractors wellbeing.Because the most powerful Rotarian is too biased and at any cost he will fulfill his wish of Selection.
We want to choose our LEADER by Election, where many candidates will take participation. Because Rotaract teach us how to take responsibility, how to lead. What may be not come from SELECTION. And We get inducted in Rotaract by knowing that it is a democratic organization. no one can violet the BY-LAW'S while taking decision.
please save our District, conference will happen in the middle of next month. but there is no letter/ circular/ information from DISTRICT regarding next year Roraract District Authorities ( DRR &his official for next year).
Thank You.
On behalf of Rotaract Voice,
Rtr Mohsin, Rtr Arif, Rtr Raju, Rtr Rofiq, Rtr Jahid, Rtr Tarek, Rtr Sabuj, Rtr Nayem, Rtr Kamrul, Rtr Robin, Rtr Zamil, Rtr Morsed, Rtr Juned, Rtr summon, Rtr Bappy, Rtr Sagor, Rtr sahid, Rtr Billal, Rtr Rumy. Rtr Robin, Rtr sofiq, Rtr Alamgir, Rtr Islam, Rtr santo, Rtr shamim, Rtr Babul, Rtr Ahmed, Rtr Nahid, Rtr sohag, Rtr Shipon, Rtr Noor, Rtr Khokon, Rtr Asif, Rtr Masud, Rtr Shib, Rtr kawsar, Rtr Iqbal and many.
(Rotaractors from various clubs of RID 3280, Bangladesh).