For several years I had worsening pain in both heels. According to my medicos it was due to inflammation under the instep nearest the heels caused by heel spurs. Several methods of soft padding and various contraptions in my shoes didn't help. I was advised that I would probably have to undergo operations. Through a contact of my wife I was advised to try bathing my feet in an Epsom Salts foot bath, as hot as possible for about 20 minutes everyday. I made up a fairly concentrated foot bath and soaked my feet every evening for about two weeks. I was amazed to find that the pain had lessened so much that I was able to walk around in comfort. I continued the treatment for about a month and was totally cured. Like many people, I still sometimes get a bit sore when I've been on my feet for a long time but can honestly say that I do not get the severe pains anymore and an occasional soak keeps the trouble away. I am now applying a Magnesium Sulphate paste to a painful left shoulder and it seems to be working. My wife has suffered from bursitis in both hips for over 4 years but using the paste doesn't seem to help her. Any suggestions?