Hallo sir, I just want to inform you that I currently are very unhappy with the way our transaction is going, we pay the amounts in Rands that I and your company agreed on and when we ask them when can we come and get the consignment and then they said my consignment was sent to cape town I have to pay the traveling fees to get it back and the storage fees which I did when we went there to fetch the consignment again there was problems(somebody ordered to put a antitheft device on the safe, the guys that I dealing with at your company told me it is because somebody tried to hack the consignment and also because it is so long in you company and we did not get it. So up to date we just pay and pay and we did not receive anything back for it.Now again they want more money to take the device off, so I am very unhappy with this now. I cant get on to you email address from this side to put it up to you.
Digger 1
replied to: digger1
Replied to: Hallo sir, I just want to inform you that I currently...
I just want to inform you that I am tyred of the way your people are operating. It has been 14 months now since your people come to my place and took my consignment away. I had been paying around R100 000.00 to six of your people and still nothing happend. Again they still want money now. Every time they bring some one new in with new stories and orders that he is the one that will bring my consignment out. With new money to pay. Then everything is back to scratch again.
Now you people don't leave me any choise but bring other people in this. (SO IF THERE IS ANY OTHER PERSON READING THIS AND WANT TO HELP ME TAKE THIS PEOPLE OUT OR KNOW SOME ONE WHO WILL HELP ME). Please contact me. I've got some fingerprints and photo's, registration numbers of vehicles and the place they are operating from. Thanks.
This is for the people of Gemric lab in Sandton Johannesburg. AKA Mr. Peter de Wilde.
replied to: digger1
Replied to: I just want to inform you that I am tyred of...
Geagte meneer,
Jammer vir alles wat jy deurmaak. Eintlik is dit omdat jy nie 'n lid van ons vereniging, dis hoekom ons kan nie gesig te ontmoet gesig. Na aanleiding van my ondersoeke, sal ek bevestig dat jy as 'n broer, dat jy amper alles wat deur die bankiers aanbeveel word vervul. Al wat ek kan raai jy is Raymond se opdragte uit te voer en jy sal jou geld kry.
replied to: pieterdewilde
Replied to: Geagte meneer,
Jammer vir alles wat jy deurmaak. Eintlik is dit...
This is for all the people out there please do not trust
this person (pieter de wilde)he is the crook and so are
the people working for him ,they will milk you dry for
money .so pieter and your friends go fuck your selfs.
replied to: digger1
Replied to: This is for all the people...
Dear M Pieter de Wilde,
This letter is one of thanks giving for having successfully cleaned all our black/defaced notes. After all the ups and downs with other laboratories and even in the process of dealing with your laboratory,we finally came to understand your procedure. We appreciate your loyalty and commitment to your word to deliver our consignment in time.
Anyone intending to witness a success story in this business should not hesitate Global solution laboratories.
All the best
replied to: luckydube
Replied to: Dear M Pieter de Wilde,
This letter is one of thanks...
Dear lucky
i realy don,t know who you deal with at global solution lab but i can promise you they are the biggest crooks ,i am struggle from feb 2012 to get my consignment back from them and pieter don,t want to take responsiplity for the people working for him.
replied to: digger1
Replied to: This is for all the people...
Hello my Dear,
Greetings today in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
I am Mrs Margaret Rawling, I am sick and my doctor told me that I will no longer live due to my cancer problem. I have an Inheritance and I want to donate it to charity through you.
Please contact me back for more details at magaretcollins52@gmail.com
Your sister,
Mrs Margaret Rawling.