Since ive been involved with rev peter popoff ministries,don stewart ministries,ive been blessed.God has given me a new beginning,new life,new outlook on who i am in the Lord.I was a girl with no hope,no selfworth,no meaning.300 pounds,on mental health medication,on drugs,dringing,stealing,running for my life,from sexual offenders.Since ive been involved with these ministries,ive lost 200 pounds,in less than a year.Have become a stronger indevidual for Jesus Christ.My selfassteam has become greater,I manage my needs ,others lives,i work around the clock,as the woman God desires me to be,i can dance,sing,im humble,uphold not just my life,but others who suffer.Ive proven God true in everyway,proven authorities wrong.Im free from mental health drugs,a better believer,walking by faith,my financial statuce is great.I was in 30.000 dollars in dept,now nil,in last 3 years God has brought me out.Ive got good credit.Have 3 gold awards,1 silver,went accross canada,changed lives for the better.Ive become so inlove with Jesus Christ,desiring His face,desiring to exspand my horizons,to spread the gospel.I have eyes to see,ears to hear Gods voice,desire to please Him.Ive become a asset,leader to nations.A example to all.Ive been tested tride,locked up for my beliefs,in God,and a prophet,become there leader,God has taken me,from a desolate place,to upholding a nation,governments,sytems,police,ect.He has made me the head,not the tail.I have a burden,cry out for nations,a chosen woman,who loves her persicuters,forgiven her offenders.I desire to get to the routes of problems tody,work towards others needs in society.Helping bring forth our rulers dream for mankind,i dare to believe in Him,going distances,even unto death,only because of the great IAM.Im alive today because of Jesus Christ His devine intervention,unconditional love,provision,through these ministries,many others who walked me through life.I believe that even those who persicuted me,had a part in my reaching out to God,becoming a stronger woman for Him.I love Jesus Christ more than words can say,My wisdom is greater in the Lord,These ministries have helped me,walk through,I read Bible,now knowing the mysteries,of it.I AM WHO I AM,ONLY BECAUSE OF THE GREAT IAM.AS a young child,had many dreams,i never though could be gifts of God,but only dreams.Today through these ministries,Ive realized,these were not just dreams,but visions,gifts from God.These are now happening before my face today.These visions are unfolding,are part of Gods prophecy,revelation.I can share them with you,interpet most of them that have come to pass,many have not as of yet,but im in them,as we go are unfolding like a puzzle,in the bible of prophecy,revelation,we are living today,they are also confirmations of who God chose me to be today.I always wondered who my real father was all my life,spent most of my years searching for Him,God heard my Cry.My mother never desied me,abandoned me at youg age,On my jurney God has brought truths to facts,i am a child of a prophet on earth today,from revelation 11,im thae woman God chose in revelation 12.One of these prophets two witnesses is my teacher today,one is my biological father on earth today.Theres to much proof of it.The governments,my family mccutcheons hid this from me,my birth records were destroyed at birth because of this reason.My father is a great wise man of God,in evangelism today.Ill exsplain,the confirmations of this,who God has chosen me to be today for you latter.My visions ill write,things people have said,Gods word lining up.The meanings of these visions for the nations.GOD BLESS YA ALL.REMEMBER ,IF YOU DO THIS TO THE LEAST OF MY BREATHREN,YOU DO IT TO ME SAYS THE LORD.SO PERSICUTING THESE PROPHETS,WITNESESS OR ANYONE,WITH YOUR WORDS,ACTION,IS HURTING OUR GOD,YOUR MAKER,LORD,KING OF KINGS WHO FIRST LOVED US,LAYED HIS LIFE DOWN FOR ALL.IN JESUS CHRIST LION OF JUDAS NAME NAME ABOVE ALL NAMES RULER OF ALL NAMES AMEN.JESUS CHRIST HAS LAST WORD AGREES STOP HURTING MY BABY GIRL,STOP HURTING MY CHILDREN SAYS THE LORD AMEN AMEN.