I have done extensive research about luos as a whole and it seems that most written history dates only to as resent as 14th centuary A.D. Most of the interviews gathered from older generation though says alot, for instance that the original Luo home is in the current Middle East.(Read Nyikango trying to go back up north to repo ancestral land.)
Nyikango, Dimo and Gilo were brothers, Would somebody out there be knowing who their Father was and the preceeding ancestors?
replied to: libra
Replied to: I have done extensive research about luos as a whole and...
My wife and I are also doing research on the origin of the Luos and I am hitting the same wall you are. She is a Luo , and she told me her traditions place their homeland in Iraq.
replied to: libra
Replied to: I have done extensive research about luos as a whole and...
Helo Libra. Mine is not an answer based on extensive research. And i,ve not heard about the three brothers.I once heard a discusion with a afriend who gave me insight abuot the possible origin of the luos andtheir possible original home land.Very speculative.In the the bible this day Esau denied his brother Jacob (read) Israel passege to safety.God,s anger burnt Esau and his entire teritory. A plague that resulted in all the descendants of Esau carrying the burnt face read black.His teritory was the Sudan neighbouring the teritory of the great worior Cush whose daugter he married. This original burnt face Libra, to me is the origin of the Dinka,Nuer,an
d all the people who ocupied the original Sudan in biblical cyclopedius.These people were one, they later became rulers of Egypt before the Arabs conquered and colonised the entire area covering present day Egypt,Sudan and parts of peresent day Ethiopia Cush teritory.They became slaves together with the Isralites for 430 years in Egypt till they were released by the pharao. A disagreement arose whether the black people wuold go to the promised land with Isralites or not. They were left behind and started the journy south along the eastern banks of the Nile. Libra this is speculation becouse there is very litle litrature to suport it.The source of the Nile according to their Devine leaders was actualy the promised land.Their journey along the Nile left all the tribes stretching from South Sudan, the congo, Uganda,west Africa but the head of these people went all the way into Kenya and later spiling into Tanzania.These are the luos. My conviction Libra is that the Luos are the original black person. Check the charestaristics of descendants of Esau and match with that of the luo. Also check the prophesies about Esau and his ralation to his brother Jacob.