David L. Grange
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To the man that Ihave the hounor to server under as a ranger from 1978 to1982 .My son is in the 82 airborne and there is some problems in the 3rd brd the leaders are not motive and it is becoming a problem with the enlisted men my son has try 3 times to get in a different company to go to war he has been refuse this unit has a high rate of soliders that dont care because the ones in charge are short this is wrong Iservewith you sir you did not belive in this if a solider dont stay motvie and have support by his superious then we have fail Idont care if my son die in combant long as he new it was the right thing to do for our country please contact me 904-879-9020 my e-mail is candiscandiswildroot@live.com