Dear Sirs
Here is basic of my research results on quantum gravity , density of quantum space is resolved.
yours amrit
Einstein Curvature Tensor and Density Tensor of Quantum Space
Authors: Amrit S. Sorli
Comments: 1 pages
Quantization of the cosmic space allows introduction of density of cosmic space. Medium that has granular structure can also have density. More mass is in a given volume of quantum space, less space is dense. In General Theory of Relativity gravity is generated by change of curvature of cosmic space, here by change of density. The basis for curvature of space is its density. Einstein curvature tensor in a form 1/G is Density tensor of quantum space.
[41] viXra:0910.0007 [pdf] submitted on 6 Oct 2009
Density/curvature of Quantum Space Generates Gravitational Motion
Authors: Amrit S. Sorli
Comments: 3 pages
Clocks measure a frequency, velocity and numerical order of change. Experimental date confirms that changes and clocks do not run time; they run in quantum space only. Time is not a part of quantum space. Quantum space itself is timeless. In the universe as a whole amount of matter energy and amount of quantum space energy tends to be constant. Density of mass and density of quantum space in a given volume of quantum space tends to be constant. Mass here is considered as a compressed energy of quantum space. Presence of mass in a given volume of quantum space diminishes its density. Massive objects move always into direction of lover density of quantum space. Gravitational motion of massive objects is result of change of density of quantum space. In space with no change of density massive object will not have gravitational motion as in centre of stellar objects or in a flat quantum space where massive objects are far away. Change of density of quantum space corresponds in General Theory of Relativity to the change of the curvature of space. Lower is density of quantum space bigger is its curvature. Here is introduced density/curvature of quantum space.
[40] viXra:0910.0004 [pdf] submitted on 5 Oct 2009
Mathematical Space-Time, Neuronal Space-Time and Timeless Quantum Space
Authors: Amrit S. Sorli
Comments: 4 pages
The universe is in a continuous change. A change n gets transformed into a change n+1, the change n+1 into a change n+2 and so on. Clocks measure a frequency, velocity and numerical order of change. Experimental date confirms that changes and clocks do not run time; they run in quantum space only. Time is not a part of quantum space. Quantum space itself is timeless. Physical time that is clocks run is man created physical reality. Space-time is a math model merely. Fundamental arena of the universe is timeless quantum space. In the timeless quantum space into which massive bodies and elementary particles move there is no past and no future. Past and future belong to the inner neuronal space-time that is a result of neuronal activity of the brain.
Here is basic of my research results on quantum gravity , density of quantum space is resolved.
yours amrit
Einstein Curvature Tensor and Density Tensor of Quantum Space
Authors: Amrit S. Sorli
Comments: 1 pages
Quantization of the cosmic space allows introduction of density of cosmic space. Medium that has granular structure can also have density. More mass is in a given volume of quantum space, less space is dense. In General Theory of Relativity gravity is generated by change of curvature of cosmic space, here by change of density. The basis for curvature of space is its density. Einstein curvature tensor in a form 1/G is Density tensor of quantum space.
[41] viXra:0910.0007 [pdf] submitted on 6 Oct 2009
Density/curvature of Quantum Space Generates Gravitational Motion
Authors: Amrit S. Sorli
Comments: 3 pages
Clocks measure a frequency, velocity and numerical order of change. Experimental date confirms that changes and clocks do not run time; they run in quantum space only. Time is not a part of quantum space. Quantum space itself is timeless. In the universe as a whole amount of matter energy and amount of quantum space energy tends to be constant. Density of mass and density of quantum space in a given volume of quantum space tends to be constant. Mass here is considered as a compressed energy of quantum space. Presence of mass in a given volume of quantum space diminishes its density. Massive objects move always into direction of lover density of quantum space. Gravitational motion of massive objects is result of change of density of quantum space. In space with no change of density massive object will not have gravitational motion as in centre of stellar objects or in a flat quantum space where massive objects are far away. Change of density of quantum space corresponds in General Theory of Relativity to the change of the curvature of space. Lower is density of quantum space bigger is its curvature. Here is introduced density/curvature of quantum space.
[40] viXra:0910.0004 [pdf] submitted on 5 Oct 2009
Mathematical Space-Time, Neuronal Space-Time and Timeless Quantum Space
Authors: Amrit S. Sorli
Comments: 4 pages
The universe is in a continuous change. A change n gets transformed into a change n+1, the change n+1 into a change n+2 and so on. Clocks measure a frequency, velocity and numerical order of change. Experimental date confirms that changes and clocks do not run time; they run in quantum space only. Time is not a part of quantum space. Quantum space itself is timeless. Physical time that is clocks run is man created physical reality. Space-time is a math model merely. Fundamental arena of the universe is timeless quantum space. In the timeless quantum space into which massive bodies and elementary particles move there is no past and no future. Past and future belong to the inner neuronal space-time that is a result of neuronal activity of the brain.