I’m not one for conspiracy theories or cover-ups, but this one is so large and fascinating that even I can’t stop thinking about it and feel compelled to share it with as many people as I can. I received a confidential email just days after this story was leaked out by Adrian T. Shumaker, who is the son of a Biologist and Geneticist who worked for the US govt. The author of the document is in hiding for fear of his life after leaking this shocking story to the world. He may not even be alive any longer.
I took the liberty to put the text and images from his original email onto a website you can access here: kree.terapad.com
In very short, this is about who actually arrived in Roswell in 1947, and what the American government really did to them and to their craft. It has everything to do with our current state of world affairs and the fate of humankind.
Again, this is shocking testimonial. Don't read it if you can't handle a major paradigm shift!
replied to: Chamberlain
Replied to: I’m not one for conspiracy theories or cover-ups, but this one...
I registered on this forum to let you know that this is a hoax. The user above created the website and it is a lie (and a proven lie). For proof, you can find information about it on David Icke forums, in this thread that I created:
This user (Colin Wayne Chamberlain) has created this hoax website and he is going around the Internet using other people's forums as a launching pad for his hoax. He has admitted (after the images he used were found to be fake, and also available elsewhere online) that it was a hoax.
I just came to give you the thumbs up at this forum. He was banned from David Icke forums, PrisonPlanet forums and also alien-ufos.com forums.
replied to: FreedomWorkshop
Replied to: I registered on this forum to let you know that this...
The above accuser – FreedomWorkShop – has been banned and repeatedly threatened with being banned on more than one forum for persistent and excessively abusive behavior . While he has tried to justify his nasty behavior with somehow being the self-appointed vigilante sheriff of truth on the web, on his own conspiracy site he promulgates the most dangerous and offensive propaganda there is = the Big Oil funded lie that climate change is not a reality.
At a time when we are on the verge of being too late to protect our species from massive environmental destruction, due to our own disregard for nature, this man is out there fighting tooth and nail to allow more pollution by disseminating the lie that there is no global warming, a lie which is specifically designed for no other purpose than to fool the public into allowing the major polluting industry to keep doing what their doing without governmental restraint.
He is fighting for the wrong team, and attacking the wrong people, while thumping his chest and patting himself on the back. One day when he has more maturity (hopefully), he will look back on this and realize he'd been an inadvertent tool of profiteering polluters, and a vicious attacker of people who merely created fictional stories as entertainment.
I hope that day comes soon for our overly-confident, and hugely misguided front-line soldier for misleading the public with multinational corporation and right-wing think tank propaganda. He thinks he fights lies, but he fights for them.
replied to: Chamberlain
Replied to: The above accuser – FreedomWorkShop – has been banned and repeatedly...
Get a life Colin.
I am not baned at any site.
Stop making hoax stories and you wont get banned.
You're the one that is banned.
replied to: FreedomWorkshop
Replied to: Get a life Colin.
I am not baned at any...
I see you are being abusive again, and reduced to lying about your history with discussion forums. A friend forwarded this message which you sent to the private mail box of a bunch members on Ickie's forum. You were so afraid of being banned for your "ridicule and aggression" and "character assassination" that you forwarded the message threatening you for your wrong behavior.
You my friend are a very unpleasant person to deal with in an internet forum. I can only hope that when you are away from your computer you are more personable.
This is the message that was sent:
---Quote (Originally by [I'm deleting the name of the moderator so as not to involve the moderator outside of Ickee's forums])---
Dear freedomworkshop,
You have received a warning at David Icke's Official Forums.
Disruptive Spamming - First Notice
hi there freedomworkshop
please try and discuss the points raised rather than taking cheap shots at the presenters.
i moved a thread to the rant room yesterday, largely in respect of aggressive attitudes toward the the threads author, without issue of infraction notices - a continuation of such an attitude will not be tollerated on the forum.
While you are perfectly entitled to open toward debunking given information i would ask that you do so without a bullying attitude as prevelant in the moved thread - as every member is entitled to post on the forum free from fear of ridicule and character assassination.
If you feel a member is lieing, please post articulate counter claim to such rather than continual ridicule and aggression.
[I deleted the name to protect the privacy of the moderator in question]
I see, Freedomworkshop that you've taken your "character assassination" here as well. Perhaps your time would be spent more wisely furthering you education, or unraveling the propaganda of right wing think tanks that you are currently duped by and so fond of touting as "the truth."
I truly hope I've seen the last of you.
replied to: Chamberlain
Replied to: I see you are being abusive again, and reduced to lying...
You're sad..
replied to: FreedomWorkshop
I don't have time to get in one of your forum wars, and this isn't the place to do it.
Good day FreedomDorkShop
replied to: Chamberlain
Replied to: I don't have time to get in one of your forum...
Who won?