Hello I am Valery new and not up to speed yet reading all the insightful posting. The reason I have joined this and other groups is to see who is thinking and what their thinking. I hope to find people out here asking the correct questions and keeping open mind thinking thru things as I do. I have a working unified field theorem and am currently defining and documenting the Valery certainty principal the opposite of Heisenberg uncertainty principle. This entails a new periodic chart of elements which includes each element Magnetic Moments. This chart and the already known movements of the sub-atomic structure will enable me to begin my cold diffusion experiments of H2O. Any and all are welcome to pick my mind clean of this knowledge I intend to give it all away.
Let me throw out something to the astronomers or astrophysicist to ponder. In Kepler’s laws of planetary motion planetary orbits are ellipses with the sun as a focus. Einstein special relativity related mass and energy to get us closer to but not exactly explain what’s really going on. I.E. even Einstein Equations could not explain both the orbits of mercury and Pluto still anomalous.
What Einstein postulated was that space is curved and in simple terms the more mass a body ha s the more space time is bent. I only wish he was still around so that we could share the corrected data and /or theories. You see my work on the sub-atomic particle is rapidly clear up many of the question he took to task. My research is far enough along to start the debates. 1st
It is not space that is curved, gravity’s on nature creates the curve. My work has show me that gravity is a temporary monopole magnetic moment. What I have found is that what is above is the same as what is below. ALL THE MATTER IN THE UNIVERSE IS SOLELY THE PRODUCT OF MAGNTISM AND MOTION. Let me try to explain it as I would to my daughter 15 yr of age. If we took a magnet and could break it in half so as to keep only the north pole reaction (mono-pole) magnet
and than we could make all other matter south pole reaction only we would have an exact duplicate of how gravity is suggested to react. Pull only but the truth be known we observe that gravity does in fact not only pull but pushes as well. The answer for me lied in final understand what’s going on at the smallest level. The atom is a perfected matter / anti-matter balancer. It is the yin yang, it is duality. The process that starts in the atom creates the VESICA PISCES AND PHI mathematically speaking one does not exist with out the other. When I refer to matter and anti-matter I am speaking of the nucleus and the electron. The nucleus big the north pole reaction momentarily only (momentary mono-pole attract only) and the electron being the purely opposition (momentary replies only Mono-pole magnetic reactant) this cleans up a lot of big problems with the mathematics in physics for one it final confirms the best models that state that when matter was created there should have been equal portions of matter to anti-matter created.
Enough physics for the moment, let’s get back to planetary spacing and Phi. It is quite clear to me that modern physics has made wrong turns in the path to knowledge. I.E. take the work done by Titis and Bode they worked out the phi relationship to planetary spacing within just a few percent. What was not known at the time of there work was that the planets that didn’t quite fit in there model where trying to tell them something. THE AMOUNT THESE PLANETS VARIED DETERMINES THAT PLANETS ICLINATION OF PLANE ( planetary tilt) In laymen’s terms the amount a planets spacing varies from the phi conjunction idle determine how much the planet is tilted toward that phi ideal conjunction. There theorem was not incorrect just incomplete any one of you at home can easily do the visual math. Take a rather large piece of paper 32” x 32”; and read up on how to create a right phi spiral next do the opposite create a left originating at a common centre. Next pick one of the inter-most conjunctions where the lines cross and label it m
ercury. Then from the centre draw a line to that point and move 7 degrees left or right. Use a compass to determine the distance from the centre to mercury convert that in to known A.U. and then use those conversions to calculate out to other planets. As you plot the known A.U. s for the other planets keep in mind the elliptical orbits and continue to note the compass settings.
More when I have time Valery
Let me throw out something to the astronomers or astrophysicist to ponder. In Kepler’s laws of planetary motion planetary orbits are ellipses with the sun as a focus. Einstein special relativity related mass and energy to get us closer to but not exactly explain what’s really going on. I.E. even Einstein Equations could not explain both the orbits of mercury and Pluto still anomalous.
What Einstein postulated was that space is curved and in simple terms the more mass a body ha s the more space time is bent. I only wish he was still around so that we could share the corrected data and /or theories. You see my work on the sub-atomic particle is rapidly clear up many of the question he took to task. My research is far enough along to start the debates. 1st
It is not space that is curved, gravity’s on nature creates the curve. My work has show me that gravity is a temporary monopole magnetic moment. What I have found is that what is above is the same as what is below. ALL THE MATTER IN THE UNIVERSE IS SOLELY THE PRODUCT OF MAGNTISM AND MOTION. Let me try to explain it as I would to my daughter 15 yr of age. If we took a magnet and could break it in half so as to keep only the north pole reaction (mono-pole) magnet
and than we could make all other matter south pole reaction only we would have an exact duplicate of how gravity is suggested to react. Pull only but the truth be known we observe that gravity does in fact not only pull but pushes as well. The answer for me lied in final understand what’s going on at the smallest level. The atom is a perfected matter / anti-matter balancer. It is the yin yang, it is duality. The process that starts in the atom creates the VESICA PISCES AND PHI mathematically speaking one does not exist with out the other. When I refer to matter and anti-matter I am speaking of the nucleus and the electron. The nucleus big the north pole reaction momentarily only (momentary mono-pole attract only) and the electron being the purely opposition (momentary replies only Mono-pole magnetic reactant) this cleans up a lot of big problems with the mathematics in physics for one it final confirms the best models that state that when matter was created there should have been equal portions of matter to anti-matter created.
Enough physics for the moment, let’s get back to planetary spacing and Phi. It is quite clear to me that modern physics has made wrong turns in the path to knowledge. I.E. take the work done by Titis and Bode they worked out the phi relationship to planetary spacing within just a few percent. What was not known at the time of there work was that the planets that didn’t quite fit in there model where trying to tell them something. THE AMOUNT THESE PLANETS VARIED DETERMINES THAT PLANETS ICLINATION OF PLANE ( planetary tilt) In laymen’s terms the amount a planets spacing varies from the phi conjunction idle determine how much the planet is tilted toward that phi ideal conjunction. There theorem was not incorrect just incomplete any one of you at home can easily do the visual math. Take a rather large piece of paper 32” x 32”; and read up on how to create a right phi spiral next do the opposite create a left originating at a common centre. Next pick one of the inter-most conjunctions where the lines cross and label it m
ercury. Then from the centre draw a line to that point and move 7 degrees left or right. Use a compass to determine the distance from the centre to mercury convert that in to known A.U. and then use those conversions to calculate out to other planets. As you plot the known A.U. s for the other planets keep in mind the elliptical orbits and continue to note the compass settings.
More when I have time Valery