When i lived in Tampa Florida i ran across a flight instructor by the name of Geoffrey Greene or who they called the black tuna.He was the one who flew Tony T out of the country for Denny for 200 hundred grand because i saw the money transaction at the Columbia restaurant with the T crew.I know for a fact he has evaded law enforcement for decades as the main smuggler for 3 crime families and disappeared after Denny was running his Big screen front in Lakeland Florida to South America.He is known world wide as the real Black Tuna which was his call sign when making his deliveries of tons of Cocaine,guns,and real spy's and government people called the (Ollie North Crew) in Central America.I wounder why he has never been Caught or on CNN.he is no doubt the most elusive character in organized crime their ever was or still is?I last saw Jeff on San Andreas Island Columbia at a huge front business exporting tropical fish to Miami Florida.we are extremely interested in talking to him about a book and movie deal.please contact us at oneshot1kill1@hotmail.com