In 14 BC it was followed by Chinese astrologers for 56 days (26 August - 20 October) through the constellations of Gemini to Scorpio. An imperial edict following its appearance read, "Lately, reproaches in the form of solar eclipses and meteors have been in the sky. These great strange signs were repeated and yet those in official positions remained silent; rarely has there been loyal advice. Now a bushy star has been seen in Tung-chin. We are very dismayed. The ministers, grandees, doctors and advisors are each to think solemnly as to the meaning of these changes and compare them clearly with the Classical texts: nothing is to be concealed..." The earliest known mention of the comet in Europe occurs in Dion Cassius’s account of a number of portents at the death of Augusutus Caesar which is where you get the Son of God acending upon the throne of the God’s or the firey chariot of jove,why because his age is the same return as the comet 76 years born 63 work it out, then perverted by the cruz worshipers , "The star called comet hung for several days over the city and was finally dissolved in flashes resembling torches." BC,AD Before Caesar Augustus Decssus.