I am by no means an expert on physics or cosmology but I have often wondered about neutron stars. Sci fi often talks about neutron degenerate matter (calling it nutronium) and pointing out its unbelievable strength. I know that a teaspoon would weigh roughly the same as the Empire State Building but some estimates put the strength of the materiel at the crust of a neutron star at nearly 50 billion times as strong as steel!
I guess my question is, would human beings ever truly be able to create, mine, or in some way use that material? The types of things things humans could accomplish with a ship made of something that strong range from exploring the inner layers of gas giants like Jupiter to almost complete resistance to Asteriods and other high velocity cosmic threats. What are your thoughts?
I guess my question is, would human beings ever truly be able to create, mine, or in some way use that material? The types of things things humans could accomplish with a ship made of something that strong range from exploring the inner layers of gas giants like Jupiter to almost complete resistance to Asteriods and other high velocity cosmic threats. What are your thoughts?